In Name Only (Pine Falls #2) - Jennifer Peel Page 0,43

pure purpose—the life of my child.

Sheridan patted my arm. “I’m so happy Brock has at least found happiness.”

I gave her a pressed-lip smile, doing my best to hold my tongue and tears back.

“How is your sister Kinsley, by the way?”

“Well, uh . . .”

“She’s hurt, I’m sure.”

My eyes widened. “You know?”

“The reason she and Ariana aren’t here and that she would have been a better choice for my son? Yes, I know.”

Of course they had all been invited, but Ariana and Jonah thought it best to stay with Kinsley, as I had no other choice but to come. They all used work as an excuse.

“Does Brant have to go through with this?”

Sheridan paused and looked at her son surrounded by dozens of well-wishers. A sheen of moisture covered her eyes. “Brant’s dream has always been to follow in his father’s footsteps. Unfortunately, people like the Copelands are part of the package. I only hope it’s worth it. That Jill will prove me wrong.”

What was she going to do when both of her daughters-in-law did?

Chapter Thirteen

“Thank you. It was so nice to meet you,” I said for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. I had met foreign dignitaries, celebrities, and more politicians than I had ever wanted to. However, I had also met some of Sheridan’s dearest friends who still lived in the DC area, as well as the director of a national child advocacy group who was very interested in what I did. She had taken one of my cards and promised to call me. I was hoping to make her an ally and possibly work with her to get some much-needed reforms in the foster care system, as well as bring more attention to those who age out of foster care. Most of those children ended up with low-paying jobs, and too many of them found themselves on the streets or in prison.

Sheridan sweetly rubbed my cheeks. “Your muscles will get used to all the smiling, eventually.”

I could only hope. “How did you survive living here for all those years?”

“Chocolate during the day and cocktails at night,” she teased.

I laughed. “I’ll remember that.”

Sheridan scanned the room until she found her boys.

I was surprised to see Brant and Brock together among the greatest throng of people. Seeing them side by side, there was no denying how dangerously handsome they were. There was no doubt why someone like Jill would plot and plan her entire life to be with Brant. It broke my heart, though, to see the invisible line that was between the brothers. I knew I was to blame. Which hurt even more.

Sheridan strung her arm through mine and, once again, we were taking a turn about the room. This time she pointed randomly at nothing as she spoke low, trying to divert any attention away from us. “Do you know why my sons seem to be at odds with each other?”

Heat consumed me like I’d been doused with gas and someone had tossed a match near me. I hated lying to this wonderful woman any more than I had to. I hated that I had to lie at all. I swallowed my conscience down my dry throat. “I think Brock is having a hard time adjusting to life after everything he went through. It’s bound to affect relationships.”

Sheridan threw me a quick worried glance before reverting back to her dazzling smile. “John read some of the reports; I know his treatment was heinous—things a mother doesn’t want to hear about.” She shuddered. “Has Brock opened up to you?”

“No, but he has nightmares all the time,” I hesitated to say. I hoped maybe Sheridan could convince him to seek help. If he would listen to anyone, it would be her.

“My poor son,” her voice cracked.

“Maybe you could talk to him,” I suggested.

“Oh no. One thing my boys still don’t like is their mother telling them what to do. If he’ll listen to anyone, it’s you.”

“I don’t think so. He doesn’t like a wife telling him what to do either.” I tried to play it off in a teasing manner, but it was all true. At least, he didn’t like the wife he had now telling him what to do. Maybe someday, after I figured out how to break free, he would marry someone he could truly be one with.

Sheridan patted my arm and giggled. “Holland men are known to be stubborn. But for the women they love, they will do anything. Brock loves you so much. I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024