In Name Only (Pine Falls #2) - Jennifer Peel Page 0,30

paychecks outside of their professions, allowing for luxuries such as the beautiful home Brock owned in the exclusive Bluffs neighborhood. It also allowed Brant to do mostly pro bono work in his law practice, which his constituents and campaign manager loved. Don’t get me wrong, Brant had his critics who were more than happy to point out his wealth and ties to his father, but so far it wasn’t resonating, if the polls were to be believed. The truth, as sad as it was, was that you had to have money to be a politician. It wasn’t often the little guy won.

“I’m looking forward to it.” That wasn’t a lie. I loved the time I spent with Sheridan. She had embraced me in the way every woman dreamed her future mother-in-law would.

“Me too.”

Brock and John appeared and opened the doors for their respective wives. Once we were each settled, we were off. I wistfully stared out the window at the gorgeous homes in Brock’s neighborhood. They were few and far between, each unique, and all magnificent. They were a far cry from the simple home Grandma and Grandpa had provided. And they were worlds apart from the foster homes I had been shuttled between.

The aspen trees dotting the landscape had lost their summer green and now resembled gold glitter in the late afternoon sun. It was a reminder of the changing of seasons. I was in a changing of seasons, of sorts. I worried, though, that just as the golden leaves would soon wither and die, figuratively, I might too. Would Dani Holland devour Dani Kramer?

All the years I had been in love with Brock and wished for him to share his name with me, I’d never truly thought of what it would be like to live day in and day out in his world. Perhaps it was because I’d thought if I were his world, it wouldn’t matter. That somehow our love would have insulated us. However, I wasn’t his world, and I had been naive to think that would have protected me against the power and greed that surrounded us. And I’d had no idea how cold and calculating his father really was. I’d had no idea about a lot of things. Even Jill, who I’d thought was sweet, had this elitist, manipulative air to her. One she had hidden well, but had I ever gotten a taste of it. I feared she might scratch my eyes out at the engagement party if I got any attention at all. Believe me, I didn’t welcome the spotlight.

Brock interrupted my depressing thoughts by reaching across the expansive back seat and taking my hand. It didn’t go unnoticed by John. He smiled at me through the rearview mirror, pleased, as if it were all going according to his plans. It washed away any comfort I felt from Brock’s touch. His father had probably given him some sort of signal, reminding him he needed to act like a doting husband.

I didn’t even turn to acknowledge Brock. It was one way of standing up to John. Instead, I leaned my head against the cool glass and listened to Sheridan excitedly name off all the people she couldn’t wait to see at the party. People she couldn’t wait to introduce me to. It made me feel sicker to my stomach than I already felt.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long for us to get to the airport. Driving into the Hollands’ large private hangar with their sleek jet ready to go was surreal. The well-lit hangar had offices and even a minibar. It belonged on that old show, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. It all served as a reminder that I was living someone else’s life. Even though I had flown on it once before, many years ago when Jonah had married his first wife, Eliza, in Nantucket. Back then it had seemed fun to spend the weekend with my closest friends—minus Ariana, as she couldn’t bear to watch the man she loved marry another—jetting around. At the time, there was so much ease between Brock and me. I missed that more than anything.

The pilot and copilot greeted us and took our luggage. While John and Sheridan boarded the plane, Brock held me back before I could climb the stairs. “Are you okay? You were quiet on the drive over.”

I nodded, too tired to speak or tell the truth. Not that it would matter if I did. I would still be getting on that plane Copyright 2016 - 2024