In Name Only (Pine Falls #2) - Jennifer Peel Page 0,23

my way out, Brock called after me. I stopped at the back door that led to our small employee parking lot.

“Dani. Wait up.”

I paused at the open door, letting the light filter into the dark hall made of cinder block walls. A cool autumn breeze ruffled my hair. “What’s up?” I thought he would still be teaching.

“I gave the kids ten and thought you might like to see how the bookcase is shaping up.” For a moment he sounded like my Brock.

“I would love to but . . . um . . . I have that appointment today.”

His entire body turned rigid, and when he breathed, his nostrils flared like a raging bull. It made my heart sink. How would he ever love my child? Me?

“I’m sorry it bothers you, but I’m not going to apologize for taking care of my baby,” I whispered. “I’ll see you later.” I walked out and let the heavy door close behind me, willing myself not to cry. I marched toward my new sleek silver luxury sedan, courtesy of my father-in-law. A wedding gift, he’d called it. I hated it almost as much as the wedding ring I wore. At least I was able to donate my old car to a former graduate of our program who was working her way through college.

I heard the building’s door slam as I reached the car.

“Dani.” Brock jogged over to me.

I leaned my head against the car, tempted to start banging it against the window.

“I’m trying,” Brock sighed.

“Yeah, I know.” I opened the door, refusing to look at him. “I’m going to be late.”

“Are you still planning on coming to the book signing party tonight?” he hurried to ask.

Brock and Jonah had helped Miles Wickham, our neighbor and internationally bestselling author who went by Taron Taylor, with his latest book. It was a medical thriller, and it was burning up the charts. Brock and Jonah had lent Miles their medical expertise. In all the chaos, I hadn’t had a chance to finish reading the book, but what I’d read so far I was impressed with. It was so weird to have rich and famous neighbors. Though Miles’s wife, Aspen, I knew from high school. She was very down to earth and seemed almost as uncomfortable living among the rich and powerful as I did. It wasn’t that long ago that she’d nannied for Miles. Of course, that caused some talk in Carrington Cove. Miles paid it no heed. He worshipped the ground his wife walked on. Aspen was a lucky woman.

“Yes, I’ll be there,” I reluctantly acquiesced. All of our friends were super excited about it. Kinsley’s restaurant, Two Girls and a Guy, was even catering the event at the Book Nook. It was a swanky bookstore in Carrington Cove. Pretty much everything was swanky in the new town I resided in. I missed the normalcy of Pine Falls.

“We should go together.”

“Right.” I stepped into the car and went to shut the door, but Brock grabbed it.

He closed his eyes for a moment and gathered his thoughts before his eyes popped open and lasered in on me. “What I meant to say was, I would like it if you went with me.”

“I don’t even think you believe that.”

He leaned in. Our faces came within inches of each other, almost as if he were going to kiss me. His warm, minty breath brushed my skin, sending a wave of shivers through me.

“Dani,” he spoke my name like he treasured it, “I want you by my side tonight. I’ll see you at home.” Without another word he shut the door, leaving me feeling like I needed to catch my breath. I’d been feeling like that for weeks. I wasn’t sure I would ever breathe freely again. I had a feeling, though, if Brock and I ever got close enough to share the same breaths and breathe as one, I would feel whole again.

I couldn’t get my hopes up about that. For right now, I needed to focus on my baby and all the lies I would have to keep straight for the paperwork I needed to fill out. Dr. Paulson was a colleague of Brock’s, and she had promised that she and her staff would be more than discreet. Sure, there were HIPAA laws, but Brock was a national news sensation now, and some people, unfortunately, would use it to make a quick buck or two. There was no doubt my pregnancy was going to make headlines. The thought Copyright 2016 - 2024