In Name Only (Pine Falls #2) - Jennifer Peel Page 0,103

A deep longing in her eyes cried out.

“It doesn’t have to be this way,” he finally spoke.

She let go of his hand. “You’re right.” With that, she grabbed Brant’s arm and walked out.

Brock and I followed them.

John headed in the other direction to no doubt try to appease the press.

Our heels clicked and clacked down the desolate hall leading to the private parking garage.

“Come with us to Ariana and Jonah’s,” Brock broke the heavy silence and encouraged Brant.

Brant and Sheridan stopped and turned around.

“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Sheridan mustered up some enthusiasm for her son.

Brant rubbed the back of his neck. “I have so many loose ends I need to tie up, and I don’t think I would be good company tonight.”

“Business can wait, brother,” Brock wisely advised. “You need to unwind.”

“And there will be spiked wassail,” I sang. “That will put anyone in a good mood.”

Brant tugged on his tie as if it were choking him. “Kinsley’s wassail?”

“We’re still all friends. Everyone loves you,” I read his mind. I couldn’t imagine breaking up the gang after everything that had happened. We had informed our little group about what was going down today so they weren’t taken by surprise when they saw it on the news. We couldn’t tell them all the ins and outs. Regardless, they all wanted to support Brant, even Kinsley.

“Is Tristan still in town?” Brant asked.

“He went home yesterday.” Kinsley was brokenhearted about it, which was good. It meant they’d had a great time together. She was planning a trip to London over Christmas and New Year’s.

Brant sighed while mulling it over.

“Come on, man.” Brock grabbed his shoulder. “You need to be with family and friends tonight.”

Brant looked at Sheridan. “What about you, Mom?”

“Don’t worry about me. I have some packing to do, and I want to do it alone.”

“Let us help you later. Come with us too,” I begged her. I couldn’t stand the thought of her being alone, especially while she was preparing to leave the house she loved so much and the man she loved more. She was planning to stay with Brant for a while until she figured out what to do.

“There’s always too much food, and I know you love to decorate a Christmas tree,” I added in, trying to coax her.

She waved her hand in the air. “You kids go and have fun. Please,” she begged. “I need to be alone,” she reiterated.

We knew she wouldn’t be persuaded, so we stopped pestering her.

As we were all about to part to walk to our separate cars, Brant received a text. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and while he read the text, we could all tell by the way his face exploded in red that it wasn’t pleasant. Without a word, he held up his phone so we could read it for ourselves.

Jill’s name stood out first.

If I can’t be happy, neither can you. You think you’ve bought your freedom today, but I swear I will see you pay for leaving me like you did. I gave my life for you. No one will ever love you like I love you.

A chill swept through me. She was psychotic.

“Save that text and any others she sends you,” Brock counseled him. “You can nail her for harassment. You might even need a restraining order.”

Sheridan’s face turned white. “Has she contacted you like this before?”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle, Mom,” Brant skirted the question, yet said all we needed to know. The answer was yes. “This will all blow over soon.” He didn’t sound very confident.

I, for one, didn’t believe it. The Copelands wouldn’t go quietly into the night. They would seek their revenge. That I was sure of. The question was, How and when?

“Just be careful.” Sheridan hugged Brant. “I’m so proud of you.” She was on the verge of tears. When she released Brant, she looked between all of us. “I’m so proud of all of you. The love and forgiveness you have given each other gives me hope for our family.” Tears began trickling down her smooth cheeks. “Now go have some fun. That’s an order.”

None of us seemed keen to leave Sheridan, but she shooed us all away.

Brock wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head as we walked toward our car. “Are you sorry you joined this family?”

I stopped and looked up into his worried eyes. “My only regret is how it came about.”

Brock pulled me to him, flush against his body. The heat Copyright 2016 - 2024