In Name Only (Pine Falls #2) - Jennifer Peel Page 0,101

feeling you would be.”

I took her delicate, manicured hand. “You didn’t have to leave,” I whispered. “There’s plenty of room at the house.”

She squeezed my hand. “You and your husband need some time alone. I wouldn’t intrude on that for the world.”

“We wouldn’t mind.”

“You say that now.” She smiled a tired smile.

I supposed it would be harder to explore all the wonders of Brock if she were there, but we would make it work. For her, I would do anything. “How are you really?” I had to know.

She staved off her tears with shallow breaths. “I’m not sure. I’m taking it a day at a time. The public facade is tiring, though.”

“You don’t have to keep it up.”

“I do for Brant, right now. After that, I don’t know what’s going to happen,” she choked out. She recovered quickly and sat up tall with a fake smile.

“Mom, don’t pretend for me.”

She looked up front at all the people waiting to get gifts wrapped or to donate. “A mom does what she has to for her children. Now where can I help today?”

She was incredible. I hesitated to give her an assignment, but her eyes pleaded with me to give her something to do. “I think Brock could use some help wrapping gifts. Your brilliant doctor son has a steady hand, but somehow that hasn’t translated into wrapping paper around boxes. People aren’t complaining, though, because it’s him. Like it’s an honor to get his crappy wrapping job.”

She laughed. “I’m on it.”

Before she could go, I wrapped my arms around her. “I love you, Mom. I’m here for you.”

She held on to me fiercely. “That’s good news. I’m going to need you. Maybe you can show me where to get that five-dollar shampoo.”

I leaned back. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Was she planning on leaving John?

She patted my cheek with a sorrow so deep washing over her features. “Dear daughter, a woman needs to know when it’s time to stay and fight and when she needs to step out of the ring to fight another day. You belong in the ring, and I,” her voice quavered, “I am stepping out.”

Chapter Thirty-One

Over the past several months I’d had many surreal moments. Watching Brant from the side of the Holland Industries auditorium stage during his press conference was another one of them. I clasped Brock’s hand so tight I was probably cutting off the blood supply, though he didn’t complain. We were both fixed on Brant, standing so regal in his navy suit and red power tie at the microphone, ready to change the course of his life at the same spot he had announced his candidacy only months ago. The American and Colorado flags provided a backdrop, while the glaring lights shone down on him. He stood there with no teleprompter or note cards. He was speaking from the heart today.

There were already rumors going around about why he’d called the press conference. Some speculated he was announcing that he and Jill had split up. It had been noted that they hadn’t been seen together, and his absence at the Copeland’s Thanksgiving soiree hadn’t gone unnoticed. Brant wasn’t going to address his relationship status today; he would let the rumors speak for themselves.

I stole a glance at Sheridan and John, who stood directly across from us near the stairs leading up to the stage. They were each dressed smartly in black business suits, like they were going to a funeral. In a way they were. They stood close to each other, yet they were a million miles apart. John had been forewarned not to touch Sheridan. While Sheridan was all for showing a united front for the cameras and her son, she refused to be comforted by John or to offer him any. John looked like a man without a compass, lost and afraid. Sheridan kept her gaze fixed on her son, her eyes shimmering with determination and admiration. Her son had done what her husband had not. Brant was giving up life as he knew it to save his family. If only John had been willing to do the same when he’d found out the truth. Who knows—he could have possibly taken Edward Copeland down. He could have stood up to the bully instead of becoming one himself.

Not to say I didn’t understand some of his choices and the reasoning behind them, but not only watching his son take the fall but pushing him off the cliff into the Copyright 2016 - 2024