Name From a Hat Trick - L.A. Witt Page 0,100

a lot scarier than the reality, even when the reality sucks.”

Nodding, I gazed out at the yard. “True. But that still leaves a lot of room for that reality to really suck.”

“I know it does.” He was silent for a long moment, and so was I. Finally, with a cautious smile, he asked, “So, do I get to meet this guy at some point? At least see a picture of him or something?”

I laughed. “What? So you can be sure he’s real?”

“Well, now that you mention it…”

“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes as I pulled out my phone. I quickly thumbed to a selfie Devin and I had done recently, and showed it to Troy.

He took my phone and peered at the picture, and then he actually grinned. “Dude, what is it with you and blonds?”

I snorted. “Whatever.”

“Okay, but seriously…” He handed back the phone. “You’re happy with him?”

I didn’t know why, but I took a minute to consider the question. It seemed like a no-brainer. Happy with Devin? Christ, yes. But being asked point blank made me really stop and think about it, and… “Yeah.” I smiled as my heart fluttered. “Yeah, I really am. He’s amazing.” Smile fading a little, I added, “I don’t know if this is going to be a long-term thing, though. I’d like it to be. I really like the guy, and I’m happy with him, but I don’t know if he…”

Troy watched me.

I took a breath. “The thing is, he has a daughter. So, I don’t know if he really sees me as long-term material, you know?”

Troy cocked his head. “Why not?”

“Why not?” I laughed. “Dude, you know me.”

“Yeah? And I know you’re great with kids.” He paused. “Just, uh, maybe don’t tell Mom you’re dating someone with a kid until you know for sure if you’re in it for the long haul.”

“Why’s that?”

“Are you kidding?” He laughed and smacked my knee. “She already knows you’re her only hope for a grandkid that doesn’t have to be leash-trained. Do not let Mom get attached to a potential granddaughter and then break up with the guy.”

I laughed nervously. Yeah, he did kind of have a point. Troy had declared from a young age that he was never having kids, and Roseanne was even more emphatic about it than he was. If my parents had any hope of grandkids, the pressure was on me.

So my mom would be thrilled if I told her that I was with someone who had a daughter. Mom would be immediately smitten with Dallas, and I’d break her heart if I didn’t marry Dallas’s dad.

Assuming, of course, she could get past the part where I was dating Dallas’s dad, not her mother. Because before I told Mom about Dallas, I had to tell her about Devin. I had to tell her I was gay.

I closed my eyes and pushed out a breath through my nose. “Well, let me tell Mom about Devin first.” I looked at my brother. “The fact that he has a daughter might be a non-issue, you know?”

My brother’s grimace was not encouraging. “Good luck, dude. If you want me to be there, just say so.”

“Thanks.” I shifted my gaze toward the night sky and sighed. “I might need all the backup I can get.”

Chapter 28


The worst part about Jase’s road trips with the Snow Bears was that he was gone for days or even a couple of weeks at a time.

The best part was when he came home.

We dropped onto our backs on his mattress, both naked, sweaty, and shaking.

“Oh my God,” he panted. “Are we even going to be able to walk during the off season?”

I laughed, probably sounding a little drunk. “Maybe? But I mean, we’ll be able to pace ourselves. Do it more often and all that.” I shifted, a few dozen aches and twinges lighting up all over my well-fucked body. “But yeah, now that I think about it, you might be on to something.”

He laughed too and rolled toward me. “I gotta say, I like having you waiting in the condo for me.” He kissed under my jaw. “When you’re naked and ready as soon as I walk in the door?” He groaned and kissed my jaw again.

I shivered, both from his touch and from thinking about the look on his face when he’d walked in and found me naked and ready for him. The way he’d bent me over his couch and frantically, greedily fucked my ass before he’d even Copyright 2016 - 2024