Nailed - Opal Carew Page 0,67


“I get it. You don’t want them raising their eyebrows and laughing at you because of your choice of a wife. I’m supposed to make you look good, not make you a laughingstock.”

He sat down beside her, the bed compressing under his weight.

“I don’t give a shit what they think,” he said softly. Then he stroked her cheek. “It’s you I was thinking of. Yes, some of them might raise an eyebrow at a purple streak in your hair. And I’m afraid that might steal your confidence. I just thought that it would be easier all around if you just try to fit in.”

She shook her head. “Don’t you get it, Kane? I don’t fit in. I’m not like you and I’m not like your friends. I really don’t know why you ever wanted to marry me.”

His jaw twitched and she could just imagine he was regretting his decision about this whole marriage.

She shook her head in resignation. “I’m sorry. I’ve already agreed not to dye my hair, so why don’t we just let it go.”

He sighed. “Okay, I agree to drop it … on one condition.”

Her eyebrow arched. “And what is that?”

Suddenly, he scooped her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her down the hall and laid her on the master bed.

“That you agree to sleep in my bed. Every night.” He leaned in and stroked her hair, his indigo eyes filled with warmth. “I really don’t give a damn about you waking me up. I just want you in my arms.”

Then he lay down and pulled her close.

She snuggled into his embrace, trying not to think, ignoring the pounding in her head, and just let the sound of his beating heart soothe her. Soon she fell back asleep.

* * *

By the time Kane got home that night, River had dinner in the oven. It was a premade lasagna.

She was in the kitchen finishing the salad when she heard him in the entryway. He didn’t call out his usual greeting today, so she kept working. She added the salad dressing.

“Hi,” he said.

She turned around to see him standing in the doorway. “Hi,” she answered, then turned back to the salad and started tossing it.

She heard his footsteps as he crossed the tile floor. Then his hands slid around her waist and he nuzzled her neck. Her foolish body quivered with delight, while she tried to ignore it.

“Are you still mad at me?” His words brushed against her ear.

She shook her head. She wasn’t mad. She was … sad.

He turned her in his arms and kissed her. Even if she’d been made of stone, she couldn’t have resisted. She kissed him back, accepting the loving strokes of his tongue, loving the feel of his hands gliding along her back, his fingers brushing through her hair.

He drew back, a smile on his face. “Let’s eat dinner quickly. I want to take you out for a surprise after.”

Over dinner, he talked about some of the plans for the party. It was supposed to be a warm Saturday evening, so the event planner had arranged for lights to be set up on the patio and in the garden, which would be very nice.

After dinner, he helped her clear away the dishes, and then led her from the apartment to his car. She was surprised when he stopped in front of an expensive jewelry store and took her inside.

“I called ahead and had someone bring out a selection for you.”

“A selection of what?” she asked as they walked to the glass counter with an array of sparkling gems inside.

When the man behind the counter saw them arrive, he opened a cupboard and laid a piece of black velvety cloth on the counter.

“Good evening, Mr. Winters. Mrs. Winters.”

He then began to lay out a series of necklaces that sparkled in the light.

“I want you to pick out a nice necklace to wear to the party,” Kane said, his hand squeezing hers.

The man began to describe the necklaces he’d laid out. There was an oval ruby surrounded by diamonds, and a deep turquoise-blue topaz surrounded by pearls. He’d also selected an emerald, a sapphire, an aquamarine, and her favorite, a stunning fire opal, which was a rich blue with flashes of green, pink, red, and orange.

“They’re all beautiful,” she said, a bit overwhelmed. “I don’t know which one to choose.”

The truth was, she didn’t want him buying her expensive jewelry, and this type of thing wasn’t something she’d ordinarily Copyright 2016 - 2024