Mysterious Lover (Crime & Passion #1) - Mary Lancaster Page 0,43

leave his own country.”

“Why’d he have to leave?” Nick asked, bouncing in time to the dog.

“I believe they would have executed him,” she said unwisely.

Nick’s eyes widened. “Really? I never guessed! What’d he do?”

“Fought for what he thought was right. Against his government.”

“And they won?”


“Never mind,” Nick said cheerfully. “He can go back and kill them all later.”

Which, Griz supposed, at least meant he was on Dragan’s side and was no longer afraid of him.

Should one be afraid of Dragan? Whenever she thought of him, which was probably more than she should, she was conscious of a little knot in her stomach. She wasn’t quite sure what this knot was made of. She didn’t think it was fear, for she liked him too much for that, but there was certainly some tension and a lot of excitement. Although novel, she rather liked the feeling, which seemed to spread and intensify whenever she saw him. Especially when he had lifted her veil in the street, when he had smiled at her in the tearoom.

Of course, he was quite ridiculously handsome, and she couldn’t ever recall any other handsome faces having quite such an effect on her, not even at sixteen when she had met Captain Galbraith at Azalea’s wedding. No, it was more his inner workings that intrigued her, his beliefs, his compassion and sensitivity, even his odd moment of weakness yesterday when he had saved them from the falling masonry.

And his interest in her, which she knew had nothing to do with her family. Nor was it the kind of superior, tolerant amusement occasionally displayed by gentlemen toward her. It was as if he saw her…

She became aware, suddenly, that Nick was no longer beside her. He had bounded ahead with the dog and seemed to be in some kind of altercation with an elderly gentleman whose walking stick Vicky had taken a shine to.

Hurrying after them, she heard Nick saying, “Well, what do you expect? It’s just a stick like any other to her.” He made no effort to pull Vicky off as she tugged at the end of the stick, even though the old gentleman was in danger of being dragged over. In fact, Nick seemed more entertained than anything.

“Vicky, drop!” Griz commanded.

Immediately, the dog lifted her head, giving Griz the instant she needed to seize the leash from Nick and pull her into her side.

“I am so sorry, sir. She thinks it’s a game.”

Now that he was no longer in danger of overbalancing, the old gentleman seemed to see the funny side. “Ha! I’d throw it for her if I could be sure she’d bring it back.” He tipped his hat and toddled onward.

“Can’t I take her again?” Nick asked, disappointed.

“Yes.” Griz handed back the leash. “But you mustn’t let her annoy people. Shorten the lead and pull her in when you’re close to people. Otherwise, you can let her sniff wherever she likes.”

They returned to Kelburn House quite in charity with each other. Griz sent Nick back to the kitchen to see if Cook or Mrs. MacKenna needed him, and she repaired to her chamber to change.

She was going to Annabelle’s for tea, which she usually enjoyed. But this time, she was slightly ashamed because the excited little knot in her stomach was growing. It was Dragan rather than Annabelle, whom she most wanted to see. Even though they had parted only a few hours previously.

Deliberately, she did not fuss over her dress but let Emmie, who had replaced Nancy in helping her, choose the gown and pin her hair. She was better at it than Nancy had been.

On the stairs, she encountered Forsythe on his way up.

“Where are you off to?”

“Tea at Annabelle’s. Do you want to come?”

He thought about it. “No,” he said at last. “I’m sure Letty Watters is going to be there.”

Since it was not far to Brook Street, Griz walked, and as was her habit, took no maid or footman to accompany her. Her family had largely given up telling her off for this, in part because they were unaware how often she did it or how far she went.

A frequent visitor to the Worth house, she was shown directly up to the drawing room, where she was surprised to find a large number of people, all eagerly turning their faces toward her. They seemed disappointed.

Annabelle jumped up from the sofa and came to meet her. “I hope your Mr. Tizsa is going to come,” she murmured as they embraced. “I Copyright 2016 - 2024