Mykel (King's Descendants MC #3) - Bella Jewel Page 0,29

them connect to places in and around New York. That’s odd; is that where his parents ended up? Does he know where they are or is he just clutching at straws? There are some people on the board I don’t recognize, but they have names. There are three men, all of who look very powerful and dangerous. Beside them are notes, information about times his parents contacted them, things like that.

I keep staring, but there’s so much to take in.

My eyes home in on a picture of woman. She’s beautiful and young, maybe only my age. She’s got a big question mark beside her, and on the little note next to her, it says, ‘What do you know?’

Who is this woman, and why is Mykel looking into her?

Beside the picture is a name: Harlow McKennon. I quickly pull out my phone and take a picture of the entire board before I get caught in here. I want to keep looking at it; I want to see what exactly it is Mykel is searching for. One thing is for sure: I was right about him. He’s got some big secrets and whatever they are, they’re consuming him.

I leave the room and make sure everything is locked up just the way I left it, and then I go back into his room and place the key in the box and put it back exactly as I found it before leaving the room. When I get back to mine, I pull out my phone and glance at the picture. So many unanswered questions. Obviously, something happened to Mykel’s parents, and he’s determined to find out what.

Were they killed?

Were they kidnapped or did they leave by choice?

And if they are, what exactly is it that made them leave everything behind?

Amongst everything else that’s happening right now, I’m more determined than ever to find out what lies behind Mykel’s impenetrable gaze.

He’s got a whole lot of secrets, and I’m desperate to find out more.

Even if it does get me into trouble.

What’s a little trouble, right?



I place my hands over the pipe that’s suddenly spurting water all through the kitchen. Making a squealing sound, I try to stop the flood happening under Mykel’s sink that I just found after taking a walk outside to clear my head. Within seconds, I’m drenched and water is already soaking the kitchen floor. I open the cupboard and to a busted pipe spraying everywhere. I’m lucky I came home when I did, because it looks like it’s only just burst.

With another squeal, I try to find something I can shove over the end of the broken pipe so I can go on a hunt for Mykel’s water and turn it off. Goddammit. Nothing is within grabbing distance and this is going to start ruining things in a second. I let the pipe go, and water sprays at me again. I tear off my shirt and stuff it into the cupboard door when I close it to try and stop more water coming from the cupboard while I go and find the tap.

It doesn’t work. I’m now shirtless and the cupboard door busts open and water sprays at me again. I scream and just as I do, the door opens and voices trail into the house. Oh thank god. Thank god. “Help!” I cry out. “There’s a busted pipe!”

Within seconds, a bigger than expected group of bikers come around the kitchen counter to see me on my hands and knees, trying to do my best to stop the flow of water. I’m wearing nothing but a pair of short shorts and a bra. I’m sopping wet and the whole kitchen is covered in water. “I came home to find it like this. Hurry, you need to turn the water off.”

Mykel moves quickly, going outside. Alarick gets down on his knees beside me, and I can see the grin on his face. “Do not laugh, Alarick,” I warn him.

He helps me try to stop the water by covering the spray with large hands until Mykel can turn it off.

I hear chuckling behind me and see Cohen, Bohdi, Briella, Merleigh, Kendric, Samson and Cova all standing, staring down at me, grinning. Briella giggles the loudest, and then they all full on laughing just as the water goes off. I release the pipe and stand, no doubt looking like a drowned rat. Alarick stands behind me. “Do not laugh at me,” I warn again, waving my finger at them.

I take a step, slip in Copyright 2016 - 2024