My Year of Saying No - Maxine Morrey Page 0,49

of times on video calls looking knackered with scary hair, so this morning was probably not the worst. At least I’d brushed my hair.

I called out but got no reply and, poking my head into the lounge, couldn’t see Scooby or Seb in the garden either. Wandering into the kitchen, I made my way over to the window. The weather was bright and sunny, but, judging by the way Seb and the man I guessed was Angus, were wrapped up as they bent over the open bonnet of my car, pretty damn chilly. Scooby was busy sniffing around the immediate area and, apparently having completed that task, now took a lazy puppy sit next to his owner, resting against him, and waited patiently.

As I saw Seb straighten from the car, I stepped back, ensuring that I didn’t get caught watching in case it looked weird. Or in case he somehow got the telepathic message I’d accidentally been staring at his bum for a good proportion of the time.

Taking a seat on one of the bar style chairs at the breakfast bar, I waited for Seb and his pooch to return. Scooby made an appearance first, charging into the kitchen and sliding inelegantly to a halt in front of me as I hopped off the stool and crouched down to greet him. He pressed his head against me in delight as I fussed over him, deep groans of happiness emanating from him as I did so.

From the corner of my eye, I saw two trainers come to stand next to me and looked up at the unfairly gorgeous body and face they were attached to.

‘I’m totally coming back as a pampered dog in the next life,’ Seb grinned down at me. ‘Good morning, by the way.’

‘Morning,’ I said, giving Scooby one last chin rub and standing.

‘Sleep all right?’ my host asked, heading over towards the kettle. ‘Tea or coffee?’

‘Tea, please. And yes, thank you. Very well.’

‘You didn’t need to get up so early. I told you that. It’s all under control.’

‘I know,’ I shrugged. ‘So, what does he think?’ I nodded towards the window.

Seb dropped a teabag into a cup and then shoved a coffee pod into the machine next to the kettle. ‘He’s not fazed. Quietly confident.’

‘Right.’ I moved to the fridge and found the milk. Taking it out, I put it down next to where Seb was making the drinks.


‘He knows I’ve had it looked at a couple of times though?’

‘Ummhmm,’ Seb nodded, concentrating on the task in front of him before handing me the milk back. ‘Ta.’

I returned it to the fridge.

‘So, you ready for breakfast?’

Apparently we were done with the car conversation, so I let it go. It couldn’t hurt to have someone else look at it and, right now, I just hoped Angus really was the miracle worker he’d been touted as, because otherwise I was going to have to fork out to have the bloody thing towed back home. ‘You don’t need to go to any trouble, Seb. Really.’

‘No trouble. I’m eating. Makes no difference to do extra. And if that was your stomach I just heard, I think I already got my answer.’ He grinned as he leant over and snagged a box of eggs from the side, launching into the creation of his breakfast masterpiece.


A little over an hour later, Seb and I were cosily ensconced in his car, having left Angus to it, and on our way to a couple of garages in which we’d narrowed down some possible options over the insanely delicious breakfast he’d cooked. We pulled into the forecourt of the first and nosed around until a salesman came over and asked if he could help.

By early afternoon, I’d test driven three different cars and pretty much decided on the one I wanted. All I needed to do now was to see if Angus could work his magic, so I could get a decent part-exchange on my old one. Just as I was pondering this over a hot chocolate in a cosy café Seb had led us to, his phone rang. The café was quiet and snug, and Seb quickly rose, laid a hand on my shoulder for a brief moment and then stepped outside as he took the call. We’d chosen a battered but characterful leather sofa in the window to sit on, but the warmth of the café, contrasted with the chill winter air outside, meant that the glass was steamed and all I could see was Copyright 2016 - 2024