My Year of Saying No - Maxine Morrey Page 0,35

who’s a genius with anything mechanical. I’ll call him and I’m pretty sure he will be able to take a look at it tomorrow. Whatever’s going on with this baby, he’ll find it. In the meantime, you can see if there are any cars you’re interested in locally, and I can drive you to take a look at them while Angus works his magic on this one.’

‘Oh, Seb. That’s really kind of you, but I couldn’t impose like that at the last minute. I don’t even have any stuff with me.’

‘It’s not imposing. I have a T-shirt you can sleep in. You can wash whatever you want. There’s a twenty-four hour supermarket not far from home. We can get this taken to my place, and I can whizz you up there for any other supplies you need. So, what do you think?’

I sucked in a deep breath and turned it over. If I was honest, I hadn’t really been ready for the evening to end, but sitting in my broken-down car in a freezing-cold car park wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind. The prospect of someone actually fixing it was also pretty appealing. And it all came with the added benefit of spending more time with Seb Marshall.

‘You sure you don’t mind? I mean, didn’t you have plans this weekend?’

‘Nope. Just hanging out with Scoobs. And we can still do that. So long as you’re OK with everything. I don’t want you to feel I’m pressuring you or anything. I’ve been told I can be a bit—’


‘Type A.’

‘That A can stand for all sorts, you know. You might be better off sticking with bossy.’

Seb raised one dark brow. ‘I’ll take that into consideration. So, what’s the decision because I’m freezing my arse off here and I’ve lost more than enough bits of me already, thanks all the same.’

‘Oh my god, sorry. Look. It’s fine. Just go home and get warm. I’ll get the car taken home and message you when I’m back.’

‘That wasn’t what I meant. It’s more that you’re shivering and turning a fetching shade of blue too. And while I may, or may not, have had a thing for Smurfette in my younger days, I’m not sure it’s going to be your best look.’

‘Ughhhh,’ I let out a sigh. ‘I don’t know what to do. And now I sound pathetic in front of you.’

‘Hey,’ Seb reached in and gently lifted my head off the steering wheel where I’d let it fall.

‘Sorry. Bloody car. And it was such a lovely evening too.’

He gave me that smile that sent tingles to my toes, as well as a bunch of other places. ‘It’s still a lovely evening. At the risk of sounding—’

‘Type A,’ I interjected.

‘Type A. When the guy comes, let me direct him to my place. You take it back to yours, you’re just going to have to spend more money on trying to get it fixed, with no guarantee it will work.’

‘There’s no guarantee your friend will be able to fix it either though.’

‘I’d put my money on Angus over a garage. He’s kind of a savant when it comes to stuff like this.’ He tilted his head. ‘Come on, Lots. I know Scoobs is dying to meet you.’

The hot breath from my laughter froze into clouds in front of me. ‘He’s told you that?’

‘Of course.’ Seb put out his hand to assist me from the car. ‘Let’s get the heater going in mine while we wait.’


‘You sure this is all OK?’ I asked again as I pointed the beeper at the car and locked it. Although as it clearly had no inclination to start, the process seemed a little redundant.

‘Definitely.’ Seb gently laid a palm behind my back and we hurried across to where his Subaru Impreza was parked. The lights flashed and doors unlocked as we got there and Seb held the door for me before hurrying around to the other side and sliding in. Turning the engine over, he fiddled with some controls on the dash and pressed another couple of buttons. ‘Heated seats,’ he pointed. ‘Just in case you wonder why it’s getting warm down there.’

‘Ha! Good to know that’s the reason. Thanks.’

He held up his hand to the vent. ‘Should be warm soon.’

‘Sorry if I’ve made you freeze your behind off. I told you you should have just gone home.’

He faced me. ‘We both know that was never going to happen.’

‘Have you always been like this?’

‘Like what?’

‘Making sure everyone is taken care of?’

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