My Vegas Groom (The Greene Family #3) - Piper Rayne Page 0,73


I put out my hand. “Hey, Gavin, I’m Nikki Greene. I think you know my husband, Logan?” Jeez, it feels weird to refer to Logan that way out loud.

Mandi brings a chair over for Gavin to join us, while whispers commence about who he is from the other people in the restaurant.

“Hey, Nikki. Good to meet you. Well, he talked to me about your podcast, but he couldn’t stop raving about this town, so I felt compelled to come up and see what I’m missing. Plus, I had to get out of LA for a while.”

“Coffee? Tea?” Mandi asks.

“Coffee, black. Thanks.” He smiles at Mandi.

Her eyes go wide in dramatic fashion when she steps away from the table, putting her hand over her heart as if she’s going to pass out. Clearly, I’m the only Greene who will manage a conversation with the man.

“You came up just to visit?” I ask.

“Yep, and I have to say, I get why Stone loves it so much.”

My phone rings and I glance down to see that it’s Logan. “Speaking of the man.” I answer the phone. “Hello.”

“What are you wearing? If the answer is clothes, I need you to rectify that immediately and send me a picture.”

I giggle, thankful I didn’t put him on speaker. “Funny thing…”

“Did you not hear me?” He sounds breathless. I assume he just finished a workout.

“I did, but that will have to wait.”

“He’s probably asking her for a nude pic,” Gavin says to Posey and Chevelle, who still haven’t found their voices yet.

“Gavin Price is here,” I say.

There’s silence on the other end of the line for a beat. “Already? He didn’t let me know he was coming so soon.” Logan asks in a tone I swear holds some jealousy, but why would he be jealous of a man I just met?

“He said you raved about the town, so he wanted to come up and visit.”

“But the podcast isn’t happening yet. You’re not ready,” he says in an almost panicked tone I don’t understand.

“I know. Do you want to talk to him?”

Gavin holds out his hand and I pass the phone before Logan’s even agreed.

“How’s Vegas?” Gavin asks and listens. “You worked out in a sweaty gym for the last four hours while I get to sit at a table full of beautiful women. One of us got the shit end of the stick, Stone, and it wasn’t me.” He laughs.

I kick Chevelle and Posey under the table and they both straighten in their chairs, scowling at me. Hopefully that knocks them out of their trance.

Gavin talks to Logan for a few minutes then hands me back the phone. “He wants his wife.”

I stand and leave the table. God willing, Mandi can run interference between him and my newly mute sisters. “Was that jealousy I heard in your voice?” I take a seat in the small lobby of the inn.

“Damn right it was. I know all the women think Price is gorgeous, and now he gets to be there with you.”

“I never watched his show, if that makes you feel better.”

He chuckles. “God, this is pure torture.”

“It’s not too much longer.”

“I know, but it’s not ending soon enough. I wish you could come down this weekend.”

“I can’t. Remember we broke up?”

He laughs. “Don’t keep telling yourself that. Otherwise, you’ll start to believe it.”

“Never,” I say.

He blows out a long breath. The man has done everything he can to make sure I know he’s thinking of me all the time and I need to start repaying him.

“You sound frustrated.” I say.

“Hell yeah. You know that right before the fight, I’m going to fuck you every which way I can think of.”

“Are you sure you shouldn’t wait until after the fight?”

“Not an option.” There’s finality in his tone.

I debate for a moment, then tell Logan to hold on for a minute. I sneak into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. Tearing off my shirt, I unhook my bra and snap a selfie, then I send it to Logan.

“Crap, hold on, someone texted me… fuck… you’re so damn sexy.” He comes back on the line and I hear some wrestling like he’s situated himself. “Don’t mind me beating off to you right now. Wanna talk dirty to me?”

“Tell me what you’re doing with your hand,” I say, putting my bra and T-shirt back on. I don’t have the freedom, in a public bathroom, to do what he is.

“I’m fisting myself right now, pumping slowly and staring at your delicious Copyright 2016 - 2024