My Vegas Groom (The Greene Family #3) - Piper Rayne Page 0,62

using people, I called my dad back.”

His eyes widen. “And?”

“He wants three tickets to the fight and says he wants to take us out to dinner afterward.”

He cringes. “That’s nice and I’ll get him tickets next to you, but I’m not sure about dinner. Depends how things go and how I feel afterward.”

I smile, thinking about being alone in his suite again now that we’re an actual couple. “That’s pretty much what I told him.”

He leans in. “Kiss me.”

He’s less sweaty now and I’m a sucker for those eyes, so I pucker my lips. He doesn’t wait a second before his lips are on mine and his tongue is in my mouth.

Someone clears their throat and I pull away.

“You two have an entire house, and you pick a coffee shop to make out in?” Craig sits down with a muffin and a coffee.

Logan stares at the muffin. “You’re going to eat that in front of me?”

Craig pushes it my way. “Zoe made me take it. Here you go, Nikki. Neither of us can eat it.” Craig sips his coffee.

“Do you have to make weight too?” I ask, and he looks over at Logan.

“It’s moral support,” Craig says.

I’m just about to take a bite of the muffin when I look at Logan. “Should I be eating differently in front of you? I’m sorry.”

Logan shakes his head. “No, I like to watch you enjoy things.”

“Ew… get a room.” Craig tips the chair back, leaving two legs on the floor. “Question, Nikki, is Zoe single?”

I smile because Craig is cute and, although older than Logan, younger than Zoe. “She is, and she’s amazing.”

“Thanks.” He stands and goes back over to see Zoe at the counter. Since it’s midmorning, the place isn’t packed, so he leans over the counter and I see that Zoe can’t stop smiling.

Love it.

I’m interrupted from watching them when the door opens, and Vince stands there with his arms open wide. “I’m here to bring you home.”

The word home coming out of Vince scares me when I think of all those unanswered questions that came to mind only a short time ago. Where is Logan’s home now?

That nauseous feeling in my stomach that was just beginning to go away after speaking with my dad stirs back to life. I place my hand on Logan’s thigh and he covers my hand with his as though we’re a united front.

“Hey, Vince,” Logan says.

Vince stops at Craig and pats him on the back, pretending he’s going to hit him. I’m fairly sure Craig could get Vince in a chokehold in three seconds flat if he wanted to, but Craig is a good enough sport to play along. Then Vince tells Zoe what to get him and, without paying, struts over to us. The guy looks as if he just came out of the late eighties but forgot his Members Only jacket in his T-bird.

“The newlyweds!” Vince comes over to me, leaning down to kiss me on the cheek.

Remind me to wash that cheek when I get home.

He does some kind of man-hug thing with Logan before he sits in Craig’s spot. “So how is married life treating you guys?” Vince props one foot up on his other knee, leaning back as though he owns the place.

Logan glances at me, smiling wide, then back at Vince. “Great.”

“You’ve managed to stay out of the press, I see.”

“No one followed us up here. They must not know where to find us,” I say.

Vince rolls his eyes. “They know where you are. I just think a lot of people aren’t willing to come up here.”

Logan squeezes my hand. I’m starting to really dislike Vince.

I collect my things. “I should probably get going.”

“That’s for the best, because I have to talk to Logan about a few things.” Vince’s foot drops on the floor and he leans forward.

“I’m going to walk her out.” Logan stands and takes my hand.

“Didn’t mean to make you run off, Nik,” Vince says.

The fact he used my nickname grates on my last nerve.

“I have plenty of things to do. Have a great flight back.” I have no idea when he’s leaving, but I’m hoping it’s tonight.

“Oh, I’m staying until Logan goes back to Vegas. We have to go over some of the promotional things. You know, so he can keep his career thriving.”

I feel like according to Vince, we’re on opposing sides when it comes to Logan.

“Let’s just go.” Logan’s hand on the small of my back urges me out of the coffee shop.

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