My One and Only Earl (Forever Yours #12) - Stacy Reid Page 0,34

she turned away from him, for suddenly he needed not to see that she wore her feelings on her sleeves. Poppy had missed him dreadfully these last few days and had done much to occupy her thoughts, so she did not think of James. That had worked splendidly in the daytime with Daphne and Aunt Marielle keeping her company but in the nights. Poppy closed her eyes and released a soft breath.

In the nights, she dreamed of James. The memory of their kisses was always there in the shadows of her thoughts, and the desire to do more with him a constant torment and temptation. Reading that book, A Guide to Passionate romps between a Lord and his Lady, did not help. It was naughty and salacious and spoke to so many hidden desires stirring inside Poppy. In the darkness of her chamber, Poppy often found herself squeezing her thighs together, trying to quench the warm, tight ache that bloomed between them.

“How have you been, Poppy?”

That gentle inquiry had her turning around. He had dropped the reins of the horses, and they grazed, drifting from them. She walked toward the lake, and James fell in beside her.

“Your sister and Aunt have been wonderful. Being here is also a calming respite from my sister’s and stepmother, one I never knew I needed,” she admitted with a rueful smile. “I never realized before how much of my time was taken up with doing simple errands for my sisters. Now I’ve had much time for myself, and I spent a great deal of it reading, playing the pianoforte and with my dance lessons. Your library is wonderful and filled with many classics.”

“I am glad to hear it.”

“And how have things been for you in town?”

“A dead bore.”

Poppy jerked her gaze to his to find him staring at her. She choked down a chuckle before replying, “I gather you do not enjoy the social events of the season much. I recalled my sister mentioning you do not dance or socialize much at society events. Why?”

“Within society, one does not dance for the pleasure of it. At least it is better not as an unmarried gentleman. It is only seen as a signal of potential interest. I do not want to encourage anyone in vain.”

“I see.” Poppy searched his expression carefully. “So I gather you have not danced with my sister all week.”

James scoffed, his eyes darkening with displeasure. “Not for lack of your stepmother trying. The lady is persistent, but I do not have time for games, nor do I tolerate the schemes and ridiculousness from match-making mamas.”

This was said with an icy hardness she was not used to from him, and Poppy was entirely uncertain how to respond.

“Your sister does not lack in admirers. I am sure she will soon make a good match.”

Just not with you. And Poppy’s heart extraordinarily was glad to know it. “When do you return to town?”

“Tomorrow evening.”

Another tight ache settled deep into her chest. “And why did you journey down this time?” Poppy knew it was for her, but she wanted him to admit his fancy. Why, she could not say, for she was sure nothing would come of it. But somehow, it mattered to her greatly.

“I fancied giving you some lessons in riding astride.”

Her eyes rounded. “Riding astride?”

“Yes. I even brought down breeches and a shirt that will fit your build.” His eyes swept over her body in a thorough sweep before he looked away, his jaw tightening.

“And we are to have this lesson when?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

Poppy grinned, thoroughly scandalized. “Whyever did you think I might like riding astride?”

He glanced down at her, his expression sober. She held herself still when he reached out and twined a wisp of her loose hair around one of his fingers.

“There is a certain freedom in it, more glorious than when riding side-saddle. More control. More speed. More joy. I believe you would like that. There is something inside of you that yearns to be unrestrained and happy, and I simply thought you would love being able to ride astride.”

Poppy stared up at him wordlessly, stunned that he could see so deeply into the things she felt inside but had not voiced.

“Of course, this is something you will do in the privacy of your country home.”

Poppy smiled up at him and said softly, “Of course.”

James tucked the strand of hair behind her ears, a profound regret gleaming in his eyes.

A perplexing weight settled inside her chest, causing ache and her throat Copyright 2016 - 2024