My Life After Now - By Jessica Verdi Page 0,68

did get really dizzy on stage today. That’s kind of what caused the accident.”

Papa’s jaw clenched. “Is that the first side effect you’ve felt?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been really tired lately, but that could be caused by a number of things.” I shrugged. “It wasn’t so bad. Or it wouldn’t have been if I hadn’t been in close proximity to sharp metal objects.” I grinned.

“It’s not funny, Lucy,” Papa said.

“No, I know. But it could be a lot worse,” I pointed out. A little dizziness and fatigue seemed like the least offensive of any of the side effects Dr. Vandoren had listed. I’d take them over chronic bouts of diarrhea any day.

“How’s your arm?” Dad asked.

I shrugged again. “’Tis not so deep as a well,” I quoted Mercutio, and headed toward the stairs.

“By the way, Max called,” Dad said.

I dug my heels into the carpet and spun around. “He did? What did he say?”

“He wanted to see if you were okay. He sounded worried.”

Worried. About me? Or was he freaked out about the whole don’t-let-anyone-touch-Lucy’s-blood thing?

Probably best not to call him back tonight. I needed time to figure out what the hell I was going to say.

• • •

I still hadn’t managed to come up with a believable explanation when I found Courtney and Max waiting at my locker the next morning. I almost escaped back the way I came, but I saw them see me.

I swallowed nervously and cautiously approached. “Haven’t seen you guys around these parts in a while,” I said.

They both just stared at me with big, fretful eyes. Yeah, they definitely knew something was up.

“How’s your arm?” Max asked.

I patted the thick bandage under my sweater. “I’ll live.”

“I called you last night,” he said.

“I know.”

“Oh. Okay.” Max’s glance darted to Courtney. He gave her a say something look.

She cleared her throat. “We, uh, cleaned up the mess yesterday like Evan told us to.”

I gave her a tight smile. “Thanks.” But I wasn’t about to elaborate.

I watched and waited as my two former best friends worked up the courage to ask me the question we all knew was coming.

Turned out Max was the braver one. “So…what was that all about, anyway?” he asked nonchalantly, tracing the floor tile edges with his toe.

Just make something up. Anything, the voice in my head urged.

But my mind was blank. All I was aware of was the endless mob of students flowing up and down the hall, pushing past us, all potential eavesdroppers.

I couldn’t tell them the truth, and I couldn’t make up a lie. I had no choice—there was only one way to get Max and Courtney off my back. Fighting against every instinct I had, I built up as much courage as I could and let it explode out of me.

“What do you care?” I yelled. “We’re not friends anymore, remember?”

Max flinched. “We’re just worried about you.”

“Oh, all of a sudden you’re worried. Well, maybe it’s too late, Max. Ever think of that?”

He held my gaze. “This isn’t you, Lucy.”

I let out a short laugh. “How would you know? You have no idea who I am anymore!” I slammed my locker door and left them there, bewildered.

Just keep walking, I ordered myself. And don’t look back.

The pain stabbing my heart was a thousand times sharper than any sword. But I’d bought myself some time. I would just have to come up with a good lie before they cornered me again.

• • •

The thing was, I hadn’t planned on it happening so soon.

I was setting my props backstage when Max tapped me on the shoulder. “Lucy.”

I steeled myself for another fight and whirled around to find him and Courtney standing uncomfortably close. I gave them both the evil eye. “What?”

“I talked to Evan,” he said with emphasis.

I sucked in my breath sharply, my heartbeat instantly doing the hundred-meter dash.

What did Evan tell him? Did they know? What were they thinking right now?

I searched Max’s face for clues but came up empty. He was always the best liar out of the three of us, because of his uncanny ability to remain reactionless during pretty much any situation. Courtney’s expression, on the other hand, was more revealing. She was chewing on the inside of her cheek—a telltale sign that she was troubled. Yes, something had definitely changed since this morning.

How much had Evan told them? Surely not everything. Not after all he went through yesterday just to protect my secret.

I had to find out what they knew.

“We can’t talk here,” I said. Copyright 2016 - 2024