My Lies, Your Lies - Susan Lewis Page 0,100

Still, the painkillers should kick in again any time now, and after she’d managed a shower (with a nurse’s help) she should be ready to leave. ‘Is Mum still at yours?’ she asked, manoeuvring her legs over the side of the bed and grimacing at all the scrapes and bruises. Marianne had gone to Andee’s around three in the morning to get some rest while Callum had stayed to keep an eye on a sleeping Joely. Though he was nowhere to be seen now, having slipped out during the early morning checks, he’d been there when Joely had woken up, fast asleep in the chair.

Everything felt all right with him here, even though it wasn’t.

‘She’s probably on her way here by now,’ Andee replied. ‘My mother’s bringing her.’

‘That’s kind of her.’

‘She wanted to say hello to you, but she has an appointment at the renal clinic in about an hour.’

Joely frowned. ‘Is she OK?’

‘I’m sure she’s fine, but they’ve run some tests because she’s been a bit under the weather lately.’ She checked her phone as a text arrived. ‘Callum’s gone to fill up the car,’ she relayed. ‘Are you sure you’re OK to go back to London today? You’re very welcome to stay …’

‘I’ll be fine,’ Joely assured her, ‘and we’ve already put you out enough. I don’t suppose anyone’s heard from Holly this morning?’

‘Not that they’ve mentioned, which reminds me,’ reaching into her bag she pulled out Joely’s mobile. ‘The screen’s cracked, I’m afraid, but Graeme thinks it’ll probably still work once it’s charged.’

‘Thanks.’ As Joely took it she wondered why it, more than anything else, was transporting her back to those terrifying minutes before the fall. She suddenly felt nauseous and dizzy and put a hand to her head as she tilted forwards.

‘Take it easy,’ Andee said, catching her gently. ‘Maybe you should lie down again for a few minutes?’

‘I’m OK,’ Joely said weakly. ‘I just …’ She attempted a smile, ‘I think I’ll be haunted by the great escape for a while to come.’ After waiting for her senses to settle she said, ‘I should try to get hold of Edward, her nephew … Does anyone know where she is?’

‘I haven’t heard anything,’ Andee replied. ‘You said last night that you thought she’d gone to see your mother?’

Joely glanced up as a nurse came to check on her and gratefully accepted more painkillers. Once she and Andee were alone again she explained as quickly as she could about the real purpose of the memoir. By the time she’d finished Andee was frowning worriedly.

‘Do you have any idea where the other brother is now?’

Joely shook her head. ‘I’m pretty sure he went to prison when it all happened, and considering what he went in for there’s a good chance he changed his name when he came out to try and start a new life.’

‘So do you think he might be behind this memoir in some way? I mean, could it be his idea?’

‘I guess anything’s possible. All I can tell you for certain is that she told me “the moth” was my mother, and the next thing I knew she’d locked me in the tower and disappeared.’

‘And you presumed she’d gone to see your mother, but Marianne’s here. Have you asked if she’s seen her?’

‘I haven’t really had the chance, but …’

‘Maybe we should start by getting someone to go and check if Freda’s back at the house.’

‘And at the same time they could pick up my things? I really don’t want to go back there myself any time soon.’

Andee turned around as another nurse came into the room ready to take Joely for a shower.

‘Are you sure you can manage?’ the nurse asked, coming to help Joely up. ‘We can easily find you a wheelchair.’

‘Let me try walking,’ Joely responded and holding her broken arm and shoulder steady she used her good hand to push herself to her feet. A moment later her mother came in bearing coffees and croissants and Joely sat down again. ‘Please let me eat first,’ she said to the nurse. ‘If you had any idea how hungry I am …’

The nurse checked her watch, but made no objection as she went off to fulfil other duties.

‘Two life-savers in one room,’ Joely smiled, taking one of the croissants, and unable to stop herself she devoured half of it in one bite.

Marianne’s expression was wry as she glanced at Andee and offered one to her too.

‘Thanks, not for me,’ Andee replied. ‘I should Copyright 2016 - 2024