My Insatiable Sheikh - Marian Tee Page 0,4

ignore this and lifted my chin in stubborn defiance. "You don't scare me."

But when he took another step closer, I found myself stepping back and eating my words. Shit. He was too damn tall. Since I stood five-foot-seven, I was at eye level with most guys, and so it always felt a little surreal every time I had to look up to meet someone's eyes...


He closed the distance between us the moment our gazes met, and the next thing I knew, one hard arm was already curled around my waist, and he had successfully imprisoned my wrists behind my back.

His gaze glittered with amusement as he pulled me close, so damn close that I knew if I took a huge gulp of breath, I'd cause my breasts to rub against the muscular wall of his chest.

And I didn't want that to happen.


It almost felt like I was lying to myself, and when I forced myself to start struggling, it almost felt like I was cutting my nose to spite my face. "Let me go, you fuck!"

But the SOB only chuckled, and as annoying as the sound was, there was also a purring sensuality to it that had another frisson of helpless desire tickle down my spine.

"I don't know what's gotten into you to make you change like this," he murmured, "but it does make things more interesting."

Motherfucking cocky piece of sheikh.

I opened my mouth to tell him just that, but...yeah. I ended up doing something in his favor again, and the moment my lips parted, his mouth crushed mine in an instant—-


I didn't want my first kiss to be with him.

But it was too late, and with one stroke of his tongue...I was lost.


I had always thought that this kind of kiss was rather gross. The tongue was just so wet and fleshy, I couldn't understand why anyone would want someone else's tongue inside their mouth.

But now I knew.

You'd want it if the other person knew what he was doing.

And this piece of sheikh?

He was still a motherfucking cocky SOB, but oh man, did he know...did this guy know how to use his tongue. Every stroke was tantalizingly unpredictable - one moment lazy, another moment possessive; one moment playful, another moment tender. But whichever the case, every stroke was an intoxicating pleasure, and when he started sucking on my tongue—-

Oh, fuck, but this was even better, just so much better—-

Suck, suck, suck.

I never knew having a man suck on my tongue could feel this good.

Suck, suck, suck.

I hated how good it felt. Wished I could make myself resist. But instead, all I could do was think, Don't end, please don't end, please—-

But it did.

One second, he was making love to my mouth, another second I was all alone, with only air to kiss me back. I watched in dazed silence as he stepped away, cool as fucking ice, and cocky as only mother-effing SOB sheikhs could be...

A smirk curved over his lips. "What was that you were saying about changing your mind?"

My cheeks burned, and I forgot all about being calm and sensible and all of the other things that Smarter Side of My Brain told me to be.

"Fuck you."

"With pleasure, habibti."


"Fuck—-" I almost said 'you' again but managed to catch myself in time. "Fuck this shit."

I stalked out of his office, and with every step I could feel him watching me, and oh man, idiot that I was, all I could think of at that time was...

What would I do if he stopped me from leaving?

Dear Ms. Teller,

We kindly request that you present yourself at the address listed below on the stated time and date.

Please note that this letter shall also stand as your FINAL NOTICE AND WARNING.

If you fail to make yourself available as requested, this shall constitute as a direct violation of Sec. IV Rule 5 of Contract RE-058-ST, which you have voluntarily signed and received an advance payment in the sum of two hundred thousand euros (€200,000).

No further warning will be given following this, and our law firm has been authorized to pursue the necessary legal action if you continue to disregard your employer's request.


Al-Dimashqi & Ghazali LLC

Chapter Two

Come on, Dahlia. Pick up the damn phone. But just as it had been for the past six days, all I heard was her mobile ringing, and so it went on until an automated response kicked in. "Sorry. The person you're calling is busy at the moment..."

Busy, my ass.

Or maybe Dahlia was busy, since my twin did have Copyright 2016 - 2024