My Insatiable Sheikh - Marian Tee Page 0,31

by the time I opened my eyes, his fully aroused dick was already halfway down my throat. Asshole almost had me fucking choking, but when he started tugging my nipples at the same time, and I started getting wet...yeah, well, it didn't seem right to complain when, after cumming in my mouth, he had finger-fucked me into an arousal in thirty seconds flat.

In the three weeks I had been with him, there hadn't been a day that we didn't have sex, and most days, we did it at least thrice. So I guess, when he called me his cum tank, it was kinda accurate, but still. It was a very offensive word, dammit, and I should be—-

Oh, who was I kidding?

I abso-fucking-lutely loved it when he talked dirty, both inside and outside the bedroom, and it was all because this time I knew where the asshole was coming from. I'd accompanied him to several business functions by now, and the damn sheikh hadn't been lying at all about those masks he told me about.

He was like a fucking chameleon with it, and honestly, he had me gaping that first time I attended this la-di-da ball as his date, and I finally saw with my own eyes how he'd slip from one persona to another, depending on who he was talking to or what he wanted to achieve.

When talking to a couple of fresh grads eagerly talking about their tech startup, he had acted like the Arabian version of Ashton Kutcher: smart, friendly, and so relatable with the way he'd casually

use terms like 'FOMO' and 'EPS' in one sentence. But then with a couple of snooty old rich white dudes, he had unleashed the full power of his lip-curling contempt and exposed their stupidity by dismantling their opinion on the U.S. economy point by fucking point.

One moment he was evil, another moment he was not-so-evil. Just so many masks, really, except for one thing. He had never played the womanizer when I was around, and when I had demanded suspiciously if he did so when he was alone, the asshole had only smirked at me.

You'll just have to stick to my side like glue so the opportunity never arises.

Remembering how he had purred those words made my toes curl, and my body's instant reaction filled me with self-disgust. Hopeless. I was so fucking hopeless, and this had me grabbing my notebook so I could give my forehead a good, hard slap in a fit of frustration.

The sound had several heads in the library turning my way, but I pretended not to notice this. Maybe, if I did this enough times, I'd be able to knock some sense into me and—-

"Stop that, habibti." A tanned hand swiped the notebook out of my hold, and I could only stare in shock as Raj unfolded his length into the chair opposite me with faultlessly lithe grace. He was in another one of his suits as always, and looked so fucking hot that I noticed right away how he had everyone in the library gawking at him.

"Why were you hurting yourself?"

"It's just a stupid notebook."

"You know I alone have the rights to be cruel to you."

And there I was, thinking his concern was rather touching.

"Seriously, sheikh: fuck you."

The sheikh smiled. "That is indeed what I came here for."

My eyes widened.

"But because I'm a gentleman, I'll give you the privilege of choosing where."

"Are you out of your mind?" I hissed under my breath.

"Tick tock, Ms. Teller."


Was he fucking serious?

"You should take advantage of my generosity while you can."

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I contemplated running away from him—-


Knowing him, this asshole was just going to make things a thousand times worse for me if I did that.

"Well, habibti?"

Ten minutes later, and we were in the mezzanine of one of the least-used stairways of the university, the sheikh unzipping himself while his other hand was busy pushing my skirt up from the back.

This was insane.

So fucking insane.

But damn if I wasn't horny as hell, my body trembling and aching, and my pussy already weeping with need for his possession—-


The sheikh had entered me without warning, and my pussy's full-o-meter went from zero to stuffed in a nanosecond.

"Do you want it slow or fast?" the sheikh crooned.

"Just fucking get it over—-mmph!" I couldn't finish talking, with his fingers suddenly pushing inside of my mouth just as the sheikh started pounding into me hard and fast.

"Start sucking," he grated out, and idiot that I was, I found myself not just doing as Copyright 2016 - 2024