My Insatiable Sheikh - Marian Tee Page 0,21

I had gulped enough oxygen back into my lungs, I glared up at him and spat out, "Asshole!"

But the sheikh's gaze simply glinted back at me. "Ready to put that mouth to work again?"


And that was it. I only managed to get one word out before the sheikh once again tightened his grip on my hair and pushed my head down. I tried to fight him off, but it was futile. His arousal jutted against my lips, hard enough that it was almost as if his cock was slapping my mouth, and even as rage flared inside of me, there was something else.

Oh God, he was right.

What the hell was wrong with me that my body was actually getting hotter and wetter at the punishing brutality of his actions?

Just a third of his cock was inside of my mouth, and already I could feel myself start to choke.

"Breathe through your nose," the sheikh commanded, and even as the rebellious part of me bristled against being ordered around, I still found myself obeying him. It took a while to find my rhythm, but eventually I could feel my throat relaxing, and as my lips parted wider, more of his dick slipped in.

He was halfway in now, and before I even realized what I was doing, my tongue had already started exploring on its own as it slowly licked the side of his dick. Soon, I found myself circling the head of his erection with my tongue, and my insides quivered when I heard the sheikh release a rasping sound.


His voice was rough with desire, and the sound had more moisture flowing out to coat the throbbing folds of my cunt.

"Suck it now, habibti."

A whimper escaped me at the command, but I was helpless once again, my body seemingly recognizing him as its master. I started to suck, tentatively at first, and when the sheikh told me to start stroking him and squeezing his balls, I didn't even think twice.

It was an addiction by now, this inexplicable need to follow his orders and pleasure him, and my head started to bob up and down - fast - as I found myself actually eagerly sucking on his dick.

A small part of me wondered if there were other people looking at us. His sports car was a lot lower than most other vehicles on the road, and although his windows were tinted, shadowy outlines could still be seen from the inside.

Certainly, if someone looked close enough, they'd know right away what I was doing.

They'd know the girl next to the sheikh was pleasuring him with her mouth.

And that girl, oh God...

That girl was me.

The thought had me shuddering, and a rush of madness seemed to take over me. All of a sudden, I was sucking harder at his dick, my fingers moving faster as I stroked his length, and when I heard the sheikh curse...

My eyes squeezed shut, a part of me instinctively recognizing what would come next—-

"Fuck, fuck, fuck."

And I was right.

The sheikh came with a rough growl, his dick swelling and twitching hard as it spurted out a huge load of cum inside my mouth, and the thick, creamy liquid shot down my throat so fast that I barely tasted it.

Oh God.

The sheikh gripped my head tightly as his hips jerked up, and my throat started working overtime as his dick kept pumping out load after fucking load. By the time I felt his grip ease, I was breathless and half-dizzy with desire even though I was the one who had pleasured him and not the other way around.

His fingers cupped my chin, and it didn't even occur to me to resist. I let him tip my face up, and as our gazes met, I caught my breath at what I saw.

A lightning-quick flash of emotion that glittered in his dark, smoldering eyes, appearing and disappearing so quickly that I could be forgiven for thinking I had only imagined it.

But I hadn't.

I swear to God, would bet my fucking life I hadn't imagined it.

And what I saw—-

Oh God.

It was that little something

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