My Insatiable Sheikh - Marian Tee Page 0,19

sheikh was visibly amused. "Marriage is a deal-breaker, I take it?"

"Very much."

"Then you'll be glad to know I would never have required it from you," he assured me.


"Is that all?"

"You wish."

The sheikh's lips curved. "Then proceed with your next concern."


"The same with the old contract, and non-disclosure goes for us both."

"Artificial insemination—-"

"Over my dead body," the sheikh rejected in a voice of cold distaste, "and that is the last time we shall even talk about it. Your next concern?"

"Your name?"

The sheikh's gaze gleamed. "I shall tell you when it's the right time."

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

"But in the meantime, you may continue addressing me as 'sheikh'."

"How about asshole?"

"If that's what turns you on, habibti."

Gaaaah. I hated it when he managed to get the last word like that.

"If that's all..."

I quickly shook my head. "Not so fast." Discussing future plans about making babies might be normal for him, but this was my first rodeo, and I was determined to take as much time as needed to hash things out.

"What about other lovers?" I dared to ask.

"As I want you pregnant as soon as possible—-"

I couldn't help frowning at this, and I interrupted him to ask, "Why are you in such a hurry to have a baby?"

The sheikh's gaze became veiled, and I knew right away that this was one thing he had hoped to avoid discussing. "Securing the line of succession," he said finally, "is the price I have to pay for my freedom."

Mafia, I couldn't help thinking again, but then I remembered Mrs. L's text. Oh. Right. So scratch that. Not Mafia then, but maybe something equally old-fashioned? Since he was a sheikh, then maybe that was something similar to how British aristocracy worked, and one had to have a male heir to inherit the title?

Well, whatever. The important thing here was that his reason for having a "deadline" was valid and nothing like all those scary things I imagined. I mean, honestly. I did wonder at one point if he was part of some cult, and he had meant to offer his baby up as a sacrifice.

Clearing my throat, I went back to our negotiations, saying, "The other lovers then..."

"The two of us shall remain exclusive to each other until you give birth. After that, we renegotiate."

"Fair enough."

"Anything else, habibti?"

I mulled it over for several moments before slowly shaking my head. "I think that's it."


And just like that, the purr was back in his voice, and my heart was once again hammering against my chest. It was only then that the full import of what I had agreed to truly sank in, and I found myself mentally reeling. Had I really agreed to let this man-—

"It's time then."

Time? I was immediately distracted. Time for what?

"I gave you two choices earlier."


I had actually forgotten about that.

"What shall it be, habibti?"

Hey Siri.

What are your tips for blowjobs?

Chapter Eight

Ten minutes later, and we were back inside the car, the sheikh calmly taking the wheel while I struggled to get my panic under control.

"Nervous, habibti?"

The sly tone of his voice made my hackles rise, and I glared at him. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"If you are so anxious that it brings you to tears, I'd like it even better."

"Well, too bad for you, but I'm not nervous at all—-"

"There is no need to lie," the sheikh chided. "It's entirely natural for someone like you to be nervous."

I couldn't help bristling at his words. "What do you mean someone like me?"

"Someone who's innocent and pure..."

Oh, this fucking jerk. Most other girls would probably love being described in such terms, but this asshole knew I'd hate it, and that was the only reason he was using those words in the first place.

"You're probably worried about the usual things."

"Like I might accidentally bite your dick off? Is that the usual thing with jerks like you?"

But the sheikh went on as if he hadn't heard a single word I said. "No doubt, you've already guessed how well-endowed I am, and you're worried if your mouth can take all of me in—-"

"Oh, fuck you." But even I knew his words were nothing but a ploy to make me relax, and it worked, too, as the tightness in my chest eased just a bit, and my lips actually curved just enough to form the slightest of smiles.

"Perhaps you'd like some instructions to help you get started?"

"Shut up."

"You're sure?"



Oh, fuck my pride.

"Okay, fine," I heard myself say grudgingly. "Instruct away."

The sheikh laughed, and I almost squirmed in my seat as the Copyright 2016 - 2024