My Insatiable Sheikh - Marian Tee Page 0,17

of shame washed over me as I thought about all those times the sheikh had taunted and toyed with me, and not once...God, not fucking once had I realized he was saying and doing all those things because he knew—-

The girl to call for free blowjobs.

A choked sob escaped me, and I heard the sheikh swear under his breath.

"There is no need for tears, habibti." His hands clasped my shoulders as he spoke, but unlike before, his touch no longer gave me pleasure, and I fought like a wildcat to free myself.

"Let go!"

But his hands only tightened. "Look at me."

"Fuck you!"

"Look at me!"

The harshness of his voice made my blurry gaze snap back to his. "You may think you know everything about me," I hissed, "but you don't. I'm not a whore—-"

"I never thought you were."


"I do know everything about you—-"

A humorless laugh spilled past my lips. "What you know is a lie!"

"Then tell me the truth," he invited.

"There's no point," I said bitterly. "You'll never believe—-"

"That you have an identical twin who takes pleasure in making your life miserable?"

Hi Story.

Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. My husband says the only thing I'm legally permitted to confirm is that the sheikh is NOT involved in organized crime in any way, and that you may trust the sheikh to keep his word once given.

P.S. Damen hasn't stopped laughing since. He thinks it's a hoot that you mistook the sheikh for a mob boss.

P.P.S. When did you guys start dating?!

Message received at 2005h from Professor L.

Chapter Seven

The sheikh and I ended up with a detour to the nearest cafe, and I could only sit in stunned silence as he told me how he was able to find out about Dahlia.

"The woman I met was too different from the woman whose interview I watched, and I am not merely speaking about superficial dissimilarities. Even if both of you had the same style of hair and clothes, the differences were still glaring. For one thing, your twin has very hard eyes while you..." A slight smile curved over the sheikh's lips. "You can try your utmost to hide your innocence, but your eyes will always betray you. They are too soft and pure."

I grunted, unwilling to let myself feel flattered. This was the sheikh, after all, and knowing him, the SOB would most likely find it a pleasure to corrupt my so-called innocence.

"After that," the sheikh continued, "it was only a matter of time." He told me about getting his security team to do a more thorough check on my background. One clue had eventually led to another, but it was only this morning that he had a complete report on his desk, and all the puzzle pieces had fallen into place.

He knew about Judith changing her name to Portia, knew about Dahlia impersonating me back in high school, and he even knew about what Greg had done at his previous company.

"Since I did not see you as the type to merely take things lying down," the sheikh said succinctly, "the only other plausible conclusion I could draw was that you were being blackmailed."

Even though he was only stating facts, it still hurt to hear the truth. I was being blackmailed, and even after all these years, my stupid heart still bled every time I thought about how it was my own mother who was holding a gun to my head.

"My team informs me that Dahlia is currently on vacation in the Bahamas..."

I was entranced by the way the sheikh's lip curled ever so slightly in contempt when he mentioned my twin's name. All the guys I knew always fell head over heels over Dahlia from the get go. It was my first time to see any man reacting differently, and for it to be the sheikh...

"You are aware of this?" he questioned, and when I nodded, he went on to ask, "Then I think we have covered everything, yes?"

Had we? I felt like we were missing something, but at the moment, all I could suddenly think about was how this completely changed things. "If you know the truth," I said slowly, "then doesn't that mean you can no longer force me to..."

I saw him raise a brow, almost as if he was insinuating my question was ludicrous, and I was filled with incredulity.

"You can't be serious," I sputtered.

"It is still your name in the contract," he pointed out.


"There are no buts, habibti. Even if you had the means Copyright 2016 - 2024