My Insatiable Sheikh - Marian Tee Page 0,11

design as you wished. You could also visit other players' towns, and it was through one of these visits that I ended up "meeting" Johnny.

I had been seventeen by then, and Johnny two years older, and at the start, we had just been friendly with each other, exchanging messages online. It was only when he knew I had turned eighteen that he asked if we could meet up in real life, and although I had never said yes to this, I did eventually trust him enough to exchange photos and tell him the truth about myself.

Shitty stuff went down in high school because of my evil identical twin that no one knew about, and now I'm just this total loner, with zero social media presence and sub-zero interest in having guy friends in real life, because who knew when Dahlia would strike again?

Since the words sounded completely bogus even to my own ears, a part of me had been resigned to having Johnny think I was this loser making up lies for no reason. But instead...he had believed me. Even more, he respected my decision not to meet up, and we had remained sort of friends after that.

Sort of being the operative word because...sometimes, there would be this silence between us, and every time it happened, I found myself wondering, what if...what if...

"I wanted to be the first one to tell you," Johnny said nervously. "I'm, um...Dahlia and I...we're together now."

What if...I just solve all of my problems by killing my twin?

Dear Ms. Teller,

We are sorry to say that Sec. IX Rule 7 of Contract RE-058-ST specifically prohibits the release of any video material pertaining to the nature of your employment. Your request for a copy of the transcript of the interview, however, has been approved by the employer and the file of which is attached below.

We hope that this document may be of assistance, and please do not hesitate to contact our firm if you have any other concerns.


Al-Dimashqi & Ghazali LLC

Interviewee: (Name Redacted, Code: 058)

Age 22, Female, Resident of Miami, Florida

Interviewer: Representative of Al-Dimashqi & Ghazali LLC, Code: LLC

Date: (Redacted)

Place: (Redacted)

Duration: (Redacted)

Location: (Redacted)

LLC: Thank you for your interest in joining our program. You have stated in your application form that you have been referred by (name redacted, Code: 058-A). May we know your relation to 058-A?

058: She was my mother's best friend in high school. We've kept in touch through the years, and she's been like a second mom to me.

LLC: What made you decide to apply?

058: My dad...he's not getting any younger, and it hurts me to see him still working so hard even at his age. That's why...when I learned about this, I know you're going to think I'm silly, but I felt like it was God's answer to my prayers.

LLC: I see.

058: Are there any specific qualifications or requirements that you're looking for?

LLC: If you remember, you were asked to sign a consent form along with your application?

058: Yes.

LLC: We've since used this to obtain your most recent health records from your university.

058: Oh.

LLC: Due to the nature of the program, we have the strictest health standards, and only applicants able to meet these can be considered. I think I'm permitted to say that your prospective employer was very pleased when he viewed your health records. But may I confirm certain details?

058: Yes, of course.

LLC: You have never smoked?

058: Never.

LLC: You also indicated that you seldom drink?

058: You're going to think I'm silly again, and maybe terribly old-fashioned, but those things never appealed to me.

LLC: These things, as you say, are what actually worked in your favor. And now, we move on to your academic records.

058: You were able to access those, too?

LLC: Yes.

058: Oh no. I hope it didn't make him think I'm a nerd...even though I really am.

LLC: On the contrary, your commendable performance in university has also worked in your favor. It's made you extremely suitable for the job, actually.

058: I...can't believe it. I hope this isn't a dream.

LLC: There are still a few things we need to iron out, and as long as you agree to all of them, it is very likely that you'll be successfully admitted to our program.

058: Anything, sir. I'm willing to do anything.

LLC: You understand that the procedure required by the program must be performed naturally?

058: Do you mean...oh no, it's so hard to say the word out loud.

LLC: If merely speaking the word is difficult for you, then...

058: I...I can do it. Just give me Copyright 2016 - 2024