My Highland Laird - J.L. Langley Page 0,97

shot? Or stabbed? Timothy snorted.

Shaking his head, Bannon followed.

The trees were spaced just far enough apart to get a horse in them, but close enough to conceal. That was when it hit him. The IN base was on the other side of these trees.

They formed a semicircle adjacent to a tall structure. It wasn’t a complete castle but a single tower. Lights glowed from the windows on the bottom of the building, and all around hairy cattle grazed. There was no fence, but somehow the cattle had stayed near. Curious. Bannon squinted through the trees, taking in the structure like everyone else, trying to memorize it. Looking for the best way to get to the cattle without alerting someone inside. This really was an ideal layout. If there was anyone on top of the tower house, they’d see them leaving the tree line. But there didn’t appear to be anyone standing guard. Perhaps they were all at the base? The MacLeans were in league with the IN, after all.

Ciaran must have thought so too. He made some odd hand gestures to Angus and Ram. Then he leaned in close to Bannon, so close he gripped Bannon’s saddle horn, and his warm breath brushed Bannon’s ear. “Stay here while we round up the cattle. Then ye and Ian will come in on the sides and help us herd them.”

Bannon’s stomach swirled again, and his pulse kicked up a notch. He wasn’t sure whether it was from the excitement or Ciaran’s nearness. He turned his head to assure Ciaran he’d heard, and Ciaran kissed him quickly on the lips and rode off.

Stunned by the show of affection in front of the others, Bannon froze, closing his eyes for a brief moment. Galaxy help him, he liked this. Liked that he could show affection in public if he wanted. He liked Skye. Oh, his conscience still warred with him on whether it was right or not to steal cattle, but that was an argument he and Timothy could have at another time.

Bannon opened his eyes, and that’s when he saw the movement to Ciaran’s left. All the hair on Bannon’s arms stood on end as he watched the lone man pace away from the cattle and Ciaran.

Ciaran seemed to see the man as well, because he, Angus, and Ram stayed on the right side far away from the man. They drew up close to the tower house. Then Ciaran raised a hand and slid off Horace. What was he doing? Bash the man over the head and tie him up? Actually that was probably exactly what he was going to do. It was a good strategy, if he could get there without the man hearing him coming.

Angus and Ram held back, both waiting, and then Ciaran pulled something from his boot and made his way around the tower, ducking below windows.

The man still seemed oblivious, but he could turn at any moment.

With his heart in his throat, Bannon searched the area again, looking for more guards, but he found no one. He untied his rifle from the saddle without taking his eyes off Ciaran. Slowly bringing it to his shoulder he used the scope and glanced around.

Ciaran inched his way closer, his gaze locked on to the man. He reminded Bannon of a sleek jungle cat, stalking its prey. He passed the window, and light gleamed off the object he held down by his side. Flashing like a mirror in the firelight.

Bannon’s stomach clenched as realization dawned. It was a dagger. Ciaran was going to kill the guard. He sucked in a breath. It was unnecessary. Why not just bash him over the head and knock him out or tie him up and gag him?

He had to stop this. Pulling the rifle from his shoulder, he checked the settings. He took it off safety, put it on stun, and returned the rifle to his shoulder. He centered the man in his scope and squeezed the trigger. There was a soft pffft sound, and the man slumped backward.

Ciaran flinched, then caught the man before he fell over. Ciaran lowered him to the ground, then looked toward the tree line. It was as if he could see Bannon through the trees. He stood there for several moments, then waved, turned back toward Horace, and lifted his hand in the air. He pointed one finger and made a circle.

“Nice shot,” Ian whispered.

The praise felt hollow. Bannon closed his eyes and tried to still his racing heart. Copyright 2016 - 2024