My Highland Laird - J.L. Langley Page 0,88

against Bannon’s cheek. Slowly he caressed back and forth with his thumb along Bannon’s jawline.

It was sublime. Like a giant body-wracking sigh. Bannon melted and closed his eyes. “I’m never having kids.”

“That sounds like Timothy talking.”

“Probably, but I’m inclined to agree with him.”

“What about marriage?” Ciaran asked in a hoarse whisper.

Bannon’s breath caught in his throat, and he snapped his eyes open. Ciaran couldn’t be asking him…. No. But what if he did? Bannon’s heart raced. Would he accept? No, no! It was way too soon, and he had to go home and….

Ciaran turned to him, but he didn’t drop his hand. He cupped Bannon’s cheek. His thumb continued rubbing back and forth over the cheekbone.

It was as if everything stopped. Only the wind outside, the crackle of the fire, and the two of them existed. The strangest feeling of contentment swept over Bannon, followed quickly by excitement.

“Nae now….” Ciaran shook his head. “I dinna ken, I just… I dinna want ye tae leave.”

Could he stay? Could he come back? What if…?

Ciaran caressed his lower lip with his thumb as he looked into Bannon’s eyes with such intensity and passion that Bannon’s cock threatened to rise. Galaxy, Ciaran was beautiful. So rugged, yet there was such a refinement to his features. His lips…. Oh dust, his lips….

“Just think about it, okay?” Ciaran whispered and leaned forward, his eyes closed, and their foreheads touched.

Closing his own eyes, Bannon nodded and leaned, turning his head just slightly. It was as if their lips drove them forward, reaching for each other, slowly, slowly until the touch and sensation exploded inside him. Bannon moaned as he opened his mouth to Ciaran’s slow back-and-forth motion against his lips until their mouths came together, settling. Without breaking contact, Ciaran slid off the table and maneuvered himself in front of Bannon. Gripping the sides of Bannon’s face, Ciaran slanted his mouth over Bannon’s. His tongue teased and pressed, till Bannon opened on a sigh.

Just like last time, heat sizzled through him, making his whole body tingle and feel alive. Lust coiled in his stomach, and his cock started getting hard. Dust, but this was the best thing ever. He wanted to relax into a puddle and pull Ciaran down on top of him, but he held on to the edge of the table to keep himself upright. Following Ciaran’s lead, Bannon explored on his own, tracing the insides of Ciaran’s mouth, his teeth.

Ciaran grinned and nipped his bottom lip before standing and releasing Bannon’s face. Resting their foreheads together again, Ciaran gripped Bannon’s hips and urged him forward. “Come down here. I want tae give ye a reason tae stay.”

Bannon wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but he let Ciaran guide him off the table to stand in front of the bench he’d been resting his feet on.

Ciaran’s hands went to the falls of his trousers and began working on the buttons. In the back of Bannon’s mind, the little bit of propriety he had left tried to speak up, but Timothy shouted rather loudly at it to Shut the devil up!

Bannon watched as in a trance as Ciaran tugged down his trousers and smallclothes and his cock bounced free. He should probably be embarrassed, but he wasn’t. His libido decided to assert itself, and he found himself leaning closer, wanting those strong hands to touch him. Someone whimpered, and he was pretty sure it was him.

Ciaran grinned, sliding down to his knees. His face was level with the tip of Bannon’s prick, and Bannon knew with utter certainty the whimper was his this time. He bit the knuckle of his ring finger on his left hand to keep from begging like a complete wanton. He wanted Ciaran to touch him so badly. When Ciaran finally did, Bannon’s whole body tensed in pleasure. Why did it feel so much better for someone else to touch him?

With Bannon’s prick wrapped in his fist, Ciaran glanced up at him and smiled. “This all right?”

Bannon nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He was afraid if he opened his mouth, he would beg Ciaran to stroke him.

But Ciaran did something even better.

He leaned forward and took the head of Bannon’s cock into his mouth.

Bannon’s legs buckled, and if not for Ciaran grabbing his waist, he’d have fallen. Instead, Ciaran guided him down to sit on the bench. Once there, Ciaran shoved his trousers around his ankles and sat down in front of him. Taking Bannon’s cock in hand again, he Copyright 2016 - 2024