My Highland Laird - J.L. Langley Page 0,82

standards, but for her, Bannon figured it was probably akin to outright glee. “Ye are gonna need help convincing the council.”

“Aye.” Ciaran chuckled and slapped her shoulder. “Aye, Maggie, I will.” He glanced over at Bannon. “Red?”


Leaning down to grab the basket at Bannon’s feet, he whispered, “Thank ye.” Then Ciaran’s lips turned up, and his eyes practically twinkled. He reached out and ran his hand down the front of Bannon’s shirt. “This belongs tae ye.”

What? Bannon peeked down and spotted the gooey remains of the tomato on his shirt. “Ugh!” He looked up in time to see Ciaran take off with the basket of seeds and cuttings.

“Come along. We have a garden tae start,” Ciaran called over his shoulder.

Maggie chuckled beside him. She wasn’t a bad-looking woman when she wasn’t scowling. “Did ye have an accident with a tomato, lad? It’s on ye bum tae.”

Bannon sighed, but couldn’t help but smile back.

“Go. Off with ye. Go start ye garden, and I’ll be along in a while tae check ye progress.”

§ § § §

Marcus sat with his back against the foot of the bed, staring at the myriad of scrap parts laid out on the floor in front of him. He couldn’t build a satellite dish, but he might be able to piece together some more chargers for the fraggers. They would look like something Dr. Frankenstein created, but he was pretty sure they would function. First, however, he had to drag his decrepit arse over to the fireplace to melt some metal for solder.

Grabbing the handprint access panel for the shuttle door and some wire, Marcus pondered the fireplace and the kettle in front of him. He was considering just scooting over, when a soft knock sounded at the door.

“Come in.”

The door creaked open very slowly but only a little bit. Bannon poked his head inside. He had his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he glanced around the room. When he spotted Marcus, he gave a soft smile. “Um, hello. Do you have a few moments? I was hoping to speak with you and Patrick about something.” His voice was soft and unsure.

Marcus’s heart ached for him. He knew exactly what Bannon must be feeling. He’d been very quiet on the ride back from the base last night. “Of course you can. Come on in. Patrick should be here in a moment.”

Abandoning his search for his cane, Marcus set down the panel and wires and rolled farther to his side using his hands to push up. He got to his hands and knees, pushed to his knees, and then he was stuck. He had nothing to leverage himself on, and his leg simply wasn’t strong enough to support all his weight, even for a moment.

The door clicked shut, and Bannon asked, “Where is your cane?”

“That is a very good question.”

“Would you like a hand?”

Impressed that Bannon actually asked, Marcus was appreciative. Most people didn’t. They helped whether he wanted their help or not, and nothing made a man feel quite so useless. His leg might be damaged, but his ego was still hearty and whole. “Actually, yes.” He grinned up at Bannon, hoping to put the young man at ease.

Bannon grinned back. He was dressed very casually in trousers, a shirt, and cravat. Holding a scroll of some sort in his left hand, he came forward and set the scroll on the bed before reaching his arms out. “How do you want me to help?”

“Just give me your arm, and I can pull up.”

As short as Bannon was, he didn’t even have to stoop down. He just bent his arm and held it out.

Marcus leveraged himself up, impressed by the young man’s strength, and slapped Bannon on the shoulder. “Thank you. Have a seat.” He gestured toward the small table and two chairs on the right side of the hearth. “Sorry I can’t offer you tea.” Marcus’s mouth watered at the thought. “Good galaxy, I’d do just about anything for a spot of tea.”

“You’re welcome. I’m rather missing it myself, and I haven’t gone so long as you without it.” Bannon took a seat in the chair closest to the fireplace and studied the parts laid out on the floor.

Marcus opted for the bed. Since it was higher off the ground than the chair, it would be easier to stand. “I tell you, I might even sell Patrick to the highest bidder for a pot of Regelence Breakfast Blend.”

Bannon smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Copyright 2016 - 2024