My Highland Laird - J.L. Langley Page 0,69

would interpret it that way. They might as well have thrown their lot in with Hamish. Not good.

Stepping forward, Ciaran pushed Hamish’s sword aside. “Put that away.”

“I will nae.” Hamish puffed his chest out farther and lifted his chin, making his scraggly beard fling upward. “They mean tae kill me.”

“I doubt that.” Actually he didn’t, but it was best to be certain. It might be smart to draw his own sword.

Red must have thought the same thing, because he followed Ciaran inside the circle and pulled the fragger off his shoulder.

Ciaran started to tell him to leave it, but before he could, Red put it to his shoulder and aimed it at the ground.

The crowd stepped back and let up a collective gasp.

Bloody hell, this was just what he needed. Still, a wave of satisfaction came over Ciaran. Red once again was coming to his rescue, even if he didn’t need the rescue this time. Ciaran touched Red on the shoulder. “Put it back on ye back.”

“Are you sure?”


The silence didn’t last long. Everyone started talking at once and pointing at Hamish.

“Quiet!” Ciaran shouted.

Once again they quieted.

Maggie glared at him. Frasier seemed to stand up even taller, and the set of his chin declared he was ready for a fight. Owen, Gavin, and Stuart looked none too happy either, though not nearly as hostile. The rest of the crowd mumbled for a few seconds, then stepped back to watch.

Damn, but he did not need this. Ciaran pinched the bridge of his nose and asked, “What is going on?”

“He”—Frasier jabbed a finger in Hamish’s direction—“is stealing rations.”

Rations? Och! Since when did they have rations? They’d lost some cattle and some chickens, but…. “I dinna ration food.”

“Nae, ye dinna. Ye are nae doin’ ye job as chief, so we had tae do it fer ye,” Maggie said.

Ciaran looked around at the council in disbelief at the accusation. He fully expected one or two of them to disagree with Maggie, but none of them did. Owen actually looked down when Ciaran met his gaze.

“And what is this about missing men?” Gavin asked.

A woman in the crowd shouted out, “Aye.”

“What have ye tae say fer yeself?” another added.

Uncertainty and anger took hold inside of Ciaran. He clenched his jaw so tight, his teeth felt as though they’d crack into a million pieces. He was trying to save them from attacks; couldn’t they see that? He searched the crowd, but all he found there was accusing glares and a few looks of pity.

“Want me to start shooting?” Red asked as he reached toward the gun slung over his back.

“Nae!” Ciaran and Angus yelled at the same time. Ciaran stilled Red’s hand.

Ram chuckled. “Well….”

Ciaran glared at him.

Moving his hands back to his sides, Red sighed. “I have it on stun.”

Och, but doesnae he realize that he is making things worse?

“Ye have four days left, then he”—Maggie pointed at Red—“better be gone. And ye still have tae fix my garden that ye both destroyed.”

Red blanched beside him.

He kens now. Ciaran sighed and said to Red, “Why dinna ye go with Angus back tae the keep?”

Angus immediately started protesting, but Ciaran cut him off with a slash of his hand. Then to the rest of the crowd he said, “Everyone clear out and get back tae work.”

There was a lot of grumbling, but the crowd slowly started to disperse, all but a few. He started to repeat his demand, then noticed that the men staying were his warriors. They moved, making a circle around Ciaran, the council, and Hamish.

Ram moved to the outside circle as well, removed his sword, and placed it in front, the tip on the ground, his hands resting on the pommel, and his legs spread.

Almost as one, the rest of Ciaran’s warriors did the same.

Angus nodded, then grabbed Red’s arm and escorted him through the circle.

Worrying his bottom lip, Red looked back at Ciaran and arched his brows.

Ciaran meant to give him a nod of reassurance, but he couldn’t move. All he could do was stare in awe. He’d never felt so humbled in all his life.

The council did not move, but they looked less blustery than before.

Greer stepped forward. “We are with ye, my laird.”

Patrick, who stood in solidarity with the warriors, winked at him.

Ciaran gave him a nod and turned back to the council with his heart in his throat and his back straight with pride. “Hamish, give them the food back.”



Hamish stepped forward and dropped the bag at Maggie’s feet.

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