My Highland Laird - J.L. Langley Page 0,34

Patrick’s back—which was not an easy feat, since his leg still did not want to cooperate—and his right calf was safely nestled against Patrick’s cock, Marcus kissed his ear, then nipped it for good measure. “How is Ciaran?” Damn, but he missed the boy. It had been nice having him and Ramsey around when they were Patrick’s squires. Marcus missed them.

“Ciaran is fine, but….” Patrick’s voice tightened up and trailed off.

“But what? Tell me. What about this building Ramsey was talking about? It’s IN, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know, but I fear so. It looks like they are building a base of some sort.” Shrugging, Patrick went down the rest of the steps.

Damnation. “But you think it’s the IN?”

Patrick shook his head. “I can’t prove it, but that’s what my gut says. We are going to keep watch. Angus is convinced that the MacLeans are in league with whomever it is, and I’m inclined to agree.”

“Me too. It’s their land, and why else wouldn’t they join the rest of us and fight the intruders?”

“No reason I can think of. I’m going to meet Ciaran again at the site tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?”

Marcus nodded.

“I have to train in the morning, but we will go after.” He sighed, then after a few seconds said, “I’m tired. You should be carrying me.”

Marcus snorted. “Even if my leg worked correctly, you are twice the size you were when we first married.”

“Are you calling me fat?” A smile lit up his voice.

“Yes, you are so fat.” Marcus grinned and reached down and pinched his side, getting only skin and muscle.

Patrick giggled. An honest-to-goodness giggle that was so Patrick. “Stop pinching my fat and tell me about your day.”

Marcus rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Okay, lard arse, if you insist.”

The giggle sounded again as they stepped out of the tower into the outer bailey.

A group of warriors standing next to the stables stopped and stared. Marcus recognized two of them as Ross and Fin Campbell, the laird’s sons.

“I dinna think I’ve ever heard our esteemed captain make that sound,” Fin said.

“Aye, he sounds like a wee lass just out of braids,” Ross added.

“A lass who is going to whip your arses in the lists tomorrow morning. Be there at sunrise,” Patrick retorted without missing a beat.

As they walked past, groans and more good-natured ribbing followed them, then faded into the more mundane sounds of the castle getting ready to bed down.

Marcus wondered if he’d ever get used to the crude surroundings. It was a harsh beauty so unlike the stark, pristine manor house he’d grown up in. He liked the simplicity and lack of rigid time constraints, but he missed the cleanliness. That was why he preferred his quaint cottage. It was clean and neat. He’d even gotten a tub big enough for him to soak in. Which he was going to do directly. “Go by Glenna’s cottage on the way.”

Patrick hmmmed and turned down the lane that led to their cottage and several others. Glenna’s home was only twenty yards from theirs. It was smaller, with a pretty red door and flower boxes under the windows. Not only did smoke billow from Glenna’s chimney, but from theirs too. A warm glow filtered out of the windows.

Patrick stopped and turned his head, looking back at Marcus. “I sent Robbie to Glenna’s and to prepare you a bath. I knew you’d be out there waiting for me, even though I told you not to, because you never listen to me.”

Marcus didn’t know what to say, so he leaned forward and kissed him. “I always listen to you. I just don’t obey.”

“Wasn’t that in our wedding vows?”

Marcus chuckled and kissed him again. “I seriously doubt it.”

Someone cleared their throat behind them.

Reluctantly, Marcus broke off the kiss.

Greer, one of the MacKay warriors, stood behind them, panting and holding his horse by the reins. “Ciaran sent me with news.” He paused and swallowed, looking at Marcus, then back to Patrick. “About the black smoke.”

Something in the way he paused made the hair on Marcus’s arms stand up. “What black smoke?”

“What is it?” Patrick asked.

Greer took a deep breath. He’d obviously ridden hard to get here. “An outsider ship crashed just west of Blae Mountain. The MacLeans captured two survivors from the ship. Ciaran, Angus, and Ram are going tae attempt a rescue.”

A ship? What was this about a ship? Then the rest of what he said dawned on Marcus. “Bloody hell. Is that a good Copyright 2016 - 2024