My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,8

pants at the thought. Noah chuckled at whatever dumbstruck facial expression I was wearing and reached across the table to take my hand. I flinched at how warm and soft it was before I forced myself to relax; I didn’t want him to think I didn’t want this.

“So was our age difference the only thing worrying you?” he asked seriously.

“Mostly.” I averted my eyes from his, focusing on the little holes in the tabletop. Noah squeezed my hand and caressed my skin with his thumb until I looked at him. His eyes were soft and caring; curious but not demanding. “I’ve not had the best luck with relationships,” I shrugged. “Actually, my last one ended in a spectacular shit show.”

“What happened?”

I took a deep breath and looked around at all the diners close to us. I knew I needed to tell Noah my story, but I didn’t want any nosey fuckers to overhear. “I think that might be more of a second date story,” I told him, repeating his words from a couple of days ago.

Noah smiled. “I understand.” Of course he did; he was kind and caring and everything that was too good for me, but I sure as hell wasn’t about to let him go now. “So, how about you write your phone number and address down for me and I’ll pick you up tomorrow for our date say...around two? I’ve got a place in mind I’d like to take you.”

“Oh yeah? Have a place where you take all your boyfriends?” I wasn’t kidding when I said I was a jealous fucker.

Noah snorted and squeezed my hand again. “No, just you.”

“Oh. Well in that case, sounds good.” Noah chuckled again as he retrieved his order pad and pen from his apron and slid it over to me. I jotted down my information and passed it back. Noah tore the slip out and stuffed it into his pocket before writing down his number and address for me on a fresh slip, tearing it out, and handing it to me.

“I’m glad we got everything sorted out,” he smiled after returning his things to his apron. “I think this is going to be great, Brooks.”

“Me too.” Sure, I was still scared I’d fuck this up royally, but his confidence made me feel a little better.

Noah stood and rounded the table. He smoothed my hair away from my forehead and trailed his fingers down my jaw, cupping my scruffy cheek in his soft hand. “I’m looking forward to tomorrow, honeybear.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek, and I had to bite down on my tongue to stop a moan. I couldn’t stop my eyes from sliding closed though. When he retreated and I peeled them open, a blurry, smiling Noah stared back at me. “Oh, I almost forgot; did you want something to eat?”

I wasn’t hungry, but thanks to Noah’s innocent but insanely sexy kiss, I couldn’t stand up, either. “I’ll just take a Coke.” Maybe it’d help me cool down.

“Sure thing.”

Chapter Four


I bobbed my head happily to the music playing in my car as I pulled down Brooks’ driveway. I was so excited to finally be going out with the big grump. I smiled as I thought about how nervous he’d been yesterday when we were talking about a relationship, and how relieved I was to hear it was just our age difference that scared him.

I was curious, however, about his last relationship. I hoped he would open up to me today. I planned our date carefully and chose somewhere I thought he’d love, and hoped the atmosphere put him in a relaxed, talkative state.

I grinned wider when I saw his home for the first time. It was a cute little one story, gray cottage-style house with white shutters and front door. It had no landscaping or decor; just the basics. It suited Brooks well.

I grabbed the bouquet from my front seat. I loved that Brooks referred to me as ‘Sunshine’; it showed a little bit of his sweet side that he insisted he didn’t have. So, I decided to surprise him with a bouquet of miniature sunflowers. I hoped they’d bring a smile to his face. I was desperate to see his smile. I had the florist arrange them in a vase with a large yellow bow wrapped around it, because for some reason, I doubted the man owned a vase.

I killed the engine and slipped my keys into my pocket as I strutted down his walkway. I knocked Copyright 2016 - 2024