My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,66

body, rubbed it down with lotion and took me to bed. By the time he covered me up and snuggled me close to his warm, soft body, all was forgiven.

Chapter Fifteen


6 weeks later

I whistled loudly for Noah as he finished up his rendition of Forever and Ever, Amen at The Rhinestone Cowboy. He performed here two hours a night, four nights a week now; the patrons kept pestering the owner to bring him in more and he happily gave in; men came in droves to watch my boyfriend, and I was sure Robert was raking in profits.

Since Noah was spending more time entertaining, he ended up quitting his job at the cafe, which thrilled me; it gave us more time together during the day. Plus, he made more money singing than he did waiting tables, though he didn’t have to work at all; I had enough money between my retirement pay and what I had in the bank to support us, but Noah loved performing. And I loved watching him; when he was in his element doing what he enjoyed, he positively glowed. The recording sessions he won were coming up soon and I wondered where his talent would take him. Wherever it was, I’d be right by his side. I never missed one of his shows, and that would never change. I’d follow him anywhere.

“He’s fucking awesome!” Jay exclaimed over the rowdy crowd as they cheered. I was in my usual seat, which was front and center, and my son was at my side. He and I had grown close over the last several weeks. He was also very close with Noah; they were of similar age and had a lot in common and became fast friends. Jay joined us often for dinner or game nights at our house, and I loved that my son and my boyfriend got along so well. They were the most important people in my life, and they made my life amazing.

Though we did a lot together, this was the first time Jay joined us at The Rhinestone. Noah said he thought Jay was a bit skittish over the fact it was a gay bar. That may be true, but I doubted it was for the reasons Noah assumed. I’d been watching Jay all night to judge his comfort, and thought I saw what looked like interest in his eyes as he surveyed the crowd. But, if that was the case, he’d tell his truth when he was ready. I’d never push him, and would support him in anything he did.

“Thanks everybody,” Noah beamed from his stool on the little stage Robert had built especially for him. “Unfortunately, our time together is coming to a close.” Men boo-ed and whined at his words, making Noah smile wider. “I know; I hate it too, but I’ll be back next week.” The crowd flipped on a dime, cheering their hearts out.

“Now, I know I usually end all of my sets with The Gambler, but I’ve got something special planned for tonight. I’ve been working on an original song and I’d like to sing it for you all. What do you think?” Once again, the men went crazy, and I was the loudest. Noah had mentioned to me he was working on some lyrics, but I had no idea his song was ready or that he’d be performing it tonight. I wondered if he told Jay; maybe that’s why he decided to come; to support his friend.

“Awesome. But before I sing it, I’d like to tell you a little bit about the person I wrote it for.”

“Is it for me, baby?” a man yelled from the far side of the room, and I was quick to whip around and give him a death glare.

Noah tipped his head back and laughed. “Well, I hope everyone enjoys it,” he winked. God, he’s such a natural at this. “But I’d like to tell you about the man who inspired it.” His eyes trailed to me and he winked again, making my pulse race. “See, I have this boyfriend who’s pretty great.” The crowd gave a mix of awws and fake tears over his boyfriend not being them.

“But sometimes he forgets how great he is. He says he’s just an old cranky bastard. Don’t get me wrong, he’s totally a cranky bastard,” he teased, and everyone laughed. Jay snorted and bumped my shoulder with his. “But he’s so much more than that. And he’s definitely not old. So, I wrote this Copyright 2016 - 2024