My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,57

feels better than I can ever remember. Thank you.”

I plopped down beside him on the bed, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and my leg across his back. He scooted his head toward me until our noses were touching.“You’re welcome, honeybear. I’m going to do that once a week to keep you loose. Or more if you need it, just let me know.”

“What the fuck did I ever do to deserve you?”

I chuckled and pecked his lips. “I ask myself the same thing all the time.”

“I still think you’re crazy.”

“Crazy for you.”

Brooks rolled his eyes. “Oh my god, that was the corniest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Whatever, you loved it.”

“I love you,” he corrected.

“I love you too.” I smiled as a huge yawn took over my lover’s face. “I think we’ve earned ourselves a nap; what do you say?”

“I say I think I just fell in love with you a little more.”

I snorted a laugh as I wiggled the blankets out from underneath us and covered us up. I attached myself to Brooks’ side and nuzzled my cheek into his soft chest hair. “And I say this is my favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon.” I was answered by gentle snores. I smiled, feeling pretty damn proud of myself. Knocked his ass out like Nyquil.

Chapter Twelve


“Good luck tonight,” Jess told me as I clocked out of my shift at the cafe. I was leaving an hour earlier than usual so that I’d have time to get home and changed for Brooks’ and my fancy dinner date; not to mention my boyfriend’s meeting with his son that he still didn’t know about.

“Thanks,” I answered with a tight smile. “God, I hope everything goes okay.” I’d filled Jess in on everything; I needed someone to talk to about all of this. I told her about my chance encounter with Jay along with the guilt I felt about keeping things from Brooks. She agreed I was doing the best thing, though I still wasn’t convinced.

Jay had even come into the cafe on his lunch break (which luckily was later than the time Brooks always came in) twice over the past week. He and I talked more and were becoming good friends, which was settling his nerves over meeting Brooks. At first he was back and forth, and texted me constantly for reassurance. When Brooks asked who I was texting so much, I always made up some bullshit excuses about people needing me to cover their shifts at work, which didn’t help my guilt level at all. I’d be glad when the two of them finally got this meeting out of the way and I could divulge everything to my man.

“Everything will be great,” Jess smiled. “You and Jay are getting along, he finally seems ready and even excited to meet Brooks; nothing is going to go wrong. You worry too much.”

“You’re probably right.”

“I know I’m right.” She gave me one of her too tight to be coming from this tiny thing squeezes. “Just relax and have a good time with loverboy. It’ll all work out.”

“Thanks, Jess.” We waved goodbye and I jogged out to my car, my stomach churning with excitement and nerves.

I stopped at the florist on my way home and bought Brooks a dozen red roses. This morning I had to throw away the bouquet of lilies I bought him last week because they were wilted and brown. I liked to keep fresh flowers in the house; plus, I never got tired of the look of pure joy on Brooks’ face when I gave him a bouquet.

“Honeybear, I’m home!” I called as I entered the house. I always yelled the same thing when I got home just to watch the way Brooks rolled his eyes. He wasn’t waiting in the living room today, though. I put my keys and phone on the coffee table and craned my neck to look into the kitchen, but he wasn’t there either.

“Hey, Sunshine,” sounded from the hallway. I turned my head to the noise and my jaw dropped.

“Brooks…” I walked towards my man, who was breathtaking in a fitted black suit and tie. His hair was styled perfectly to the side. I’d never seen him so dressed up, and it made my pulse race. I cupped his cheek and stared into his beautiful gray eyes. “You’re so gorgeous,” I breathed.

“I wanted to look nice for our date,” he shrugged.

“Nice doesn’t begin to describe it,” I argued, looking him up and down again and noticing his Copyright 2016 - 2024