My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,49

clothes in the closet we now shared. I kept having to wave Brooks off; he wanted to help, but I didn’t want his back to get sore if he did too much.

I also asked him to stay home to rest and relax while I went shopping for things to brighten our place up. I’d bought him several little knick knacks and hung up photos all around the house already, but it was still basically a blank canvas. Of course, Brooks didn’t fight me over not coming to the mall. He said it was too crowded anyway, and he’d much rather stay home and work on a project he had in mind. He wouldn’t give me details, so I assumed it was something for me. My big grump was really a sweetheart when it came down to it.

I sniffed a dozen candles before placing a vanilla scented one and a pine scented one in my cart. They reminded me of Brooks and I thought he’d like them too. He gave me free reign on decorating; he said he just wanted me to feel at home, so I was welcome to do what I wished, but I kept his tastes in mind. I didn’t want to swoop in and change everything; I just wanted to add a few pops of color and things to make our house feel more like a home.

After I paid for my purchases, my stomach rumbled. I looked at the clock on my phone to find it was after one o’clock already. I pulled up my text app and typed a quick message to Brooks.

1:09PM: Honeybear, are you hungry? I can grab us some lunch on my way home if you want.

Three little dots appeared on my screen while Brooks formulated a reply. He was a slow texter, and it took a couple of minutes before the message came through.

Brooks: I ate Bagel Bites. I’m still working on something, so why don’t you eat lunch out? I need about another hour.

What is with that man and his Bagel Bites? I shook my head and re-read his message. Okay, the project is definitely for me. I smiled and thumbed a response.

1:13PM: Can do. I’m getting lots of good stuff for the house :) See you soon. Love you!

Brooks: Live you too.

Three little dots showed up again and I laughed when the message came up.

Brooks: LOVE you too. Damn fat thumbs.

I snorted and stuck my phone back in my pocket. I pulled the plastic bags full of my goodies from the cart and made my way to the food court. I settled on a burger and fries. I paid for my meal and looked around absentmindedly as it was being arranged on a tray.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head when they landed on the man standing in line at the next food booth over. He was around my height, thickset, had black hair and scruff and pretty gray eyes. Jonathan. I was looking at my boyfriend’s son.

“Sir?” a voice called. “Sir!”

I snapped my head to the sound to find an employee holding my tray toward me. “Oh, sorry. Thank you.” I took the food and turned back around to find Jonathan. I watched as he took his own tray and sat at a table alone.

What do I do? Do I talk to him? Do I call Brooks? Do I sit a few tables away and snap pictures of him? No, that last one is creepy. I took a deep breath. There was only one thing to do. I promised Brooks I would help him in any way I could with his son and I meant it. I swallowed hard and walked up to his table.

“Hey,” I said with a squeaky voice. I cleared my throat and tried again. “Hey. You’re Jonathan, right?”

His thick, black brows folded in as he glared at me. “Do I know you?”

Oh my god, he’s so much like his father. “Um, no. My name is Noah.” I set my tray down on his table and held my hand out to him. He stared at it for a moment before looking back up at my face without shaking my hand, so I dropped it back down to my side. “Do you mind if I sit with you for a few minutes?”

Jonathan looked around at all the empty tables next to us and I was afraid he was going to tell me to sit at one of them; Brooks would have. I wasn’t ready to give Copyright 2016 - 2024