My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,47

laughed. He pulled out his phone and tapped away at his screen. “Okay, they’re booked up on weekends for the next three months, but they have a reservation open for two weeks from Tuesday at six. Is that okay with you?”

“That sounds perfect.”

He tapped some more. “And...done.” He gave me a bright smile. “You and I are all set for a super romantic dinner.”

“Sunshine, Bagel Bites from the freezer are romantic if I’m eating them with you.”

“Aww,” he gushed, squeezing me again. “That gets you a special dessert right now.”

“Is it your dick?” I asked hopefully. We’d already split a funnel cake, so I didn’t need any more actual sweets. Plus, watching him perform had me ready to perform for him.

Noah laughed and shook his head. “No, it’s cotton candy. I’m gonna go grab us some. I’ll be right back.”

Oh. At least I got to watch his ass as he walked to the food truck. He was stopped by a few more people congratulating him for his win. He was all smiles when he returned.

“Wanna sit down and cuddle while we eat this and watch the band? Then I can go get our sparklers out of the car,” he offered.

“Honestly, I’m not sure if I can sit on the ground anymore.”

“What if I sit behind you and you lean back on me?”

My heart swelled at his thoughtfulness, but sank at having to turn him down. I wanted to cuddle with him, but couldn’t stand being on the hard ground, even if I leaned on him. “I’m sorry, Sunshine.” To my surprise, Noah just smiled.

“Don’t be.” He took my hand in his. “I’ve got a better idea. Come with me.”

He led me back to his car and held the door open for me as I climbed in. He pulled onto the road and I thought he was taking me back to my house, which wouldn’t be the worst thing; we could make passionate love and I could hold Noah all night long if he wanted to stay over. I loved when he stayed over. But, he took a left when he would have taken a right to get to my house.

“Where are we going?”

He looked across the car to give me a bright smile. “It’s a surprise.”

I love his surprises. Whatever it was, I knew it’d be good. I wasn’t disappointed when Noah took a winding path up a hillside. Though we weren’t in the mountain region itself, we did have some impressive elevations overlooking the area. Noah pulled his car into a scenic overlook and killed the engine.

“This way we can still see the fireworks, but we’ll have more comfortable chairs,” he explained. “Plus…” he pulled his phone from his pocket and hit play on his music list. Loretta Lynn’s voice filled the vehicle. “We can have our own concert. What do you think?”

“I think it’s fucking perfect.”

Noah smiled brightly. “Not yet.” He grabbed the bag of cotton candy from the back seat and ripped it open. He pinched off a fluffy wad of pink and blue and fed it to me. Sweet berry flavored sugar melted the instant it touched my tongue. “Now it’s perfect.”

We listened to country classics and fed each other cottony goodness until the bag was half empty. “Ooh, I have an idea,” Noah said suddenly, breaking into laughter. “Close your eyes.” I furrowed my brow. “Just do it.” I shrugged and closed my eyes as Noah laughed himself silly. “Okay, open them.” I looked at him to find he was now wearing a long, fluffy blue mustache that hung past his chin. “I’m the Lorax!”

The complete randomness of the moment caught me off guard and I joined in his laughter. “You’re so fucking weird.”

“Thanks!” I laughed harder as he fished the candy off of his upper lip with his tongue. “Mm, second best mustache I’ve ever tasted.”

“What was the first?” I asked, wondering what other weird shit he’d plastered on his face.

He answered by reaching out and running his thumb along the bristly gray hair under my nose. “This one.” He leaned across the console and took my lips in a long, tender kiss. His tongue was sweet and slick as it glided across mine.

My breath caught at how amazing this moment was. Noah brought me somewhere special so I could continue enjoying our evening together in comfort. His thoughtfulness never ceased to amaze me, and I loved seeing his silly side come out to play. I loved everything about him. I loved him. As Copyright 2016 - 2024