My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,31

I love just being with you, Sunshine. If you want to jump off of a cliff, I want to watch you jump. If you want me to take you to an amusement park so you can ride roller coasters that beat the shit out of my back, I’ll keep you company while you wait in line and then hold your hair back when you’re puking your guts out when you get off the ride.” Okay, that was not nearly as poetic as I’d hoped.

Noah didn’t seem to mind, though. He blinked glassy eyes at me and swallowed thickly. “I knew you were just a big, sweet honeybear.”

“Yeah, well, don’t tell anyone,” I teased.

Noah’s lips spread into a beautiful grin. “Your secret is safe with me.” He leaned in and gave me a soft, sweet kiss.

“Come on, let’s get you to your rock.” I followed him into the deeper water, which seemed even colder than earlier since the sun had warmed my skin. My dick puckered up and I was ninety percent sure it was now an innie. I stopped and bobbed in the water as I watched Noah swim to the ladder that led up the cliffside. “Throw in a flip for me!”

“You got it!” he yelled over his shoulder. I watched his back muscles ripple as he climbed the rungs of the ladder and my dick un-shrunk a bit. At least it was an outie again. Noah followed the dirt trail up to the top of the large rock face and waved over his head at me.

“Show me what you’ve got!” Noah gave me two thumbs up and took a few steps backward. “Just be careful, okay?”

He yelled “Promise!” before running to the edge of the cliff. My heart stopped beating as I watched him hurtle his body over the side. He tucked his head between his knees and did two complete flips before landing in the water in a perfect cannonball. I didn’t breathe until I saw his head poke back up out of the ripples. “How was that?” he asked as he paddled over to me.

“Ten points!” I yelled, holding both of my hands over my head, spreading my fingers out.

Noah cheered and wrapped me in a tight hug when he reached me. His legs circled around my waist and I easily held his weight since we were underwater. He kissed me slowly and deeply, lazily running his tongue over mine. I was breathless when he pulled away. “Want to watch me go again?”

Actually, what I wanted was to bend him over a rock and fuck him senseless, but I gave him a smile and said, “Sure.”

Noah climbed the rock three more times. He made each jump more impressive, even completing a backflip on his last go. He didn’t dive at my request because I was worried that the water wasn’t deep enough and that he could get hurt. I gave him a ten-point score each time, even though I was actually holding up eleven; my dick was fully un-shrunk now and pointing straight up from watching him climb and maneuver his perfect body in the air. The kisses I received after each jump were big factors as well.

Noah decided he was finished jumping after his fourth turn, so we swam back over to our floats. He held mine in place as I climbed on board as gracefully as a hippo. Then he once again made me look terrible by smoothly and easily boarding his. We floated on in silence until Noah squeezed my hand.

“Hey, I forgot to tell you about the call I got last night!” he said excitedly. When I narrowed my eyes at him, he continued, “Robert, the owner of The Rhinestone Cowboy, called me after I got home from dropping you off. He said lots of guys at the bar were asking when I’d be back to sing, and other men who’d come in after we left were upset they missed the live music. He asked me if I’d perform this Wednesday because Wednesdays are their slowest nights and he’d been trying to think of something to bring in a crowd. He said he’d pay me fifty bucks to sing for an hour!”

I couldn’t help but smile at his huge, enthusiastic grin. “That’s incredible, Sunshine. So are you going to do it?”

“That depends.” When I narrowed my eyes again, he smiled wider. “Will you come too? You’re the reason I sang in the first place, and I want you with me. If you Copyright 2016 - 2024