My Grumpy Old Bear - Jayda Marx Page 0,11

feet and crushed six vertebrae. Everyone said I was lucky to have survived, especially without permanent paralysis or brain damage. Maybe it makes me a selfish bastard, but I didn’t feel lucky.”

“Of course not,” I insisted. “God, Brooks, I’m so sorry. So...your retirement?”

“Was medically necessary,” he shrugged. “I can’t ever work again like I used to, which I hate; I’ve always been a hard worker. Remember the hiking, horseback riding and camping you mentioned?” I nodded. “Those used to be my absolute favorite things to do, but I can’t anymore. Bending or squatting or even walking too much in a day hurts. I hate sitting still, but I have to rest a lot.”

I was beginning to understand why Brooks seemed so cranky all the time; his entire world had been flipped upside down. So many things he loved had been taken away from him by an accident he couldn’t control. “I’m sorry,” I repeated, unsure of what else to say.

“And then came the fallout.” Oh shit, his story isn’t over; as if it wasn’t bad enough already.

“What happened, honeybear?” I felt like Brooks needed to hear the name. The way his lips twitched and he squeezed my hand harder told me I was right.

“I needed several surgeries to fuse my spine back together with plates and metal rods, and then physical therapy to help me get some of my strength back and walk again after being laid up for so long.” I blinked hard, trying to keep my tears back. I was a bit emotional by nature, and Brooks’ story was tearing me apart.

“I obviously couldn’t be as active as I always was, so I plumped out. The guy that I was dating at the time, and had been dating for about a year, Ernie, hated it. He hated that my appearance changed and that I couldn’t do as much outdoors with him anymore. He said he didn’t sign up for being a caretaker and left.”

“He did what?” I roared, and Brooks flinched in his seat. “He fucking left you? After everything you’d been through, he left because you couldn’t take a goddamn hike? Are you kidding me? How far away is Nebraska? I say we drive down there and run his Sesame Street name-having ass right over.” I panted angry breaths and took my eyes off of the road for a moment to look at Brooks. His eyes were huge, shining with what looked like pride.

“Damn, Sunshine. You’re sexy when you get all worked up.”

My heart beat faster at his words. “I just can’t believe that dick,” I grumbled. There were many, many other things I wanted to say, but I was already shaking as it was and I needed to focus on the road.

“Then you’re gonna love this.”

Oh sweet merciful heaven, I can’t take much more. Of course, my man had lived through all of this, while I was just hearing it, which made my chest ache. I took a deep breath and gave his hand a squeeze for him to continue.

“A lawyer contacted me once I was out of the hospital, saying that I should sue the supply company where the harness came from. That my injury was a result of their direct neglect.”

“Good! I hope they had to pay for your surgeries because of their shitty equipment.”

“Well, that’s what I thought too, but it turns out my lawyer had bigger goals. When all was said and done, the supply company settled out of court, paying for all of my medical bills, plus a lump sum of two million dollars to cover my pain and suffering and lost wages.”

“Holy shit.” My cheap-café-food-eating, small-house-owning man was a freaking millionaire.

“When Ernie found out I’d gotten the settlement, along with my full retirement salary for life, he called and said he’d made a mistake; that he’d been overwhelmed, but he loved me and wanted to try again.”

“And I hope you hung up on his money grubbing ass.”

“Of course I did.” I nodded, proud my man hadn’t fallen for Ernie’s tricks. “Much to the dismay of my parents, I might add.”

“What? They wanted you to get back with him?” He nodded. “Why?”

“I guess they bought his sob story and fake regret. They told me I needed to give him another chance; that I wouldn’t have many men knocking on my door now that I was broken and fat. When I refused, they got angry. They always liked Ernie, and took his side on everything. They even accused me of being hooked Copyright 2016 - 2024