My Deadly Valentine - By Valerie Hansen & Lynette Eason Page 0,63

to the den. “The one we’ve been waiting for?”



Her mother rose and held out her hands. Tears dripped from her cheeks. “It’s gone. They said I beat it again.”

Joy exploded inside her. She felt the smile begin to spread. “You did?”

“We did. You, me and God.”

“Oh, thank You, Jesus.” Holly pulled her mother into a hug. Sobs of thankfulness shook her. Finally both of them started laughing. And laughing.

It felt good. “So, what…”

The sound of a gunshot, the yelping cry of a wounded animal and the roar of a motorcycle interrupted her words and blended into one roaring sound of rushing terror between Holly’s ears.

Eli pulled up on the reins and brought his horse to a skidding halt. A gunshot?

He’d ridden right to the edge of Holly’s property line. He wasn’t but a mile from her house. Spurring Chester’s side, Eli pushed the horse into an all-out run toward Holly’s house.

Within a couple of minutes, he galloped into her yard to see her kneeling next to Sassy’s side pressing gauze onto an area just above her front leg on the meaty part of her shoulder. Holly’s mother stood on the porch speaking to someone on the other line.

Holly looked up, eyes blazing. “Someone’s gone too far this time.” Tears streaked her cheeks and her hands shook. He didn’t know if it was from grief or rage.

Mrs. Maddox said, “Doc Gardner said he’d meet you at the office.”

Eli pulled his cell phone from his pocket and placed a call to the sheriff’s office. Within minutes, he had officers on the way. He slid his arms under Sassy and lifted her against his chest. “Let’s get her to the vet. I’ve called Alex and he’s sending Joel and Harlan. One will stay with your mother while the other one investigates.”

Holly ran for her truck, returning within minutes. Duster whined and pranced about them.

Holly snapped her fingers and pointed to the house. “Stay.”

Duster slunk off and Eli settled Sassy into the back of the truck. He climbed in and said, “I’ll ride back here with her. You drive.”

“You’re sure?” Anxiety glittered in her eyes.

“I’m sure, Holly, let’s go.” If Sassy didn’t make it, he didn’t want the dog dying in her arms.

Thirty minutes later, Sassy lay on the table in the vet’s office, X-rays finished. The doc removed his gloves and said, “I think she’ll be fine. The bullet’s entered her shoulder and the X-rays show that it didn’t hit any bones. I’ll get it out and she should be good as new in a few weeks.”

Relief rolled over Holly’s face and Eli felt his own neck muscles loosen a fraction. He wrapped an arm around Holly and gave her a squeeze.

Holly looked at the doctor. “I guess just call me and let me know how she’s doing, will you?”

“You got it, darlin’. You know who shot her?”

Resolve hardened Holly’s features. “No, but I’m going to find out.”

Saying their goodbyes, they made their way from the room.

Eli looked at her. “You have any idea at all what’s going on? And why someone’s working so hard to get your attention?”

Lips pursed, she blew out a frustrated sigh. “I’m not sure, but I have my suspicions.”

He took her arm and led her out into the lobby. “Care to share those with me?”

She rubbed her palms on her jeans. How much should she tell him? “I’m being hassled to sell my land to a company called Transcross.”

“Right, I remember you saying something like that. Your mother wants you to sell and you don’t.”

“Exactly. I think she’s just trying to make me feel like it would be fine if I wanted to. The land’s a lot of work,” she admitted. “And even with Mr. Ryan’s sporadic help, between the store and the land, it’s time-consuming and exhausting. But I love it. For now. Ask me again in a couple of years and I may feel different. I don’t think so, but…” She shrugged.

“So these guys want you to sell out?”

“Yes, they want to build some kind of horse farm resort thingy.” She waved a hand in disgust. “Apparently, our location on top of the mountain with the rolling hills, the view for miles, etcetera, is absolutely perfect and would bring in millions.”

“Are they offering you a fair price?”

“Actually, yes, but it’s not about the money. It’s my home. I don’t want to leave and I shouldn’t be forced—or scared—into doing it.” She looked at him. To tell or not? Uncertainty trembled inside her. She needed help. Taking Copyright 2016 - 2024