My Deadly Valentine - By Valerie Hansen & Lynette Eason Page 0,44

six years ago, he hadn’t realized how much it would hurt. But it had been the right thing to do, he’d rationalized. After all, he had a career to think of. At least that’s what he’d told himself. And when Holly had refused to go with him, he’d decided he didn’t need her, that if she had loved him enough…

Eli grimaced. He’d been so full of himself. He’d thought if he broke up with her and moved off, she’d come chasing after him. When she hadn’t, his ego had been badly bruised.

The way he’d treated her had been wrong. But he hoped to set that right sometime soon.

He spun the truck into the parking lot of John’s General Store. A combination gas/grocery/general store, it had been in the same family for over a hundred and fifty years.

And next door was The Candy Caper.

No small red truck in front, but he knew she’d arrive before too long.

He wondered what she’d do if he waited so he could go over to speak—to apologize for being a jerk after high school—and beyond. Would she even be interested in listening?

So far, she’d been pretty mellow but she’d also had a rough day yesterday. She’d been thankful for his presence last night. But now that the danger was past, how would she react if he brought up their relationship as the topic of conversation?

Probably toss him out on his ear. Which he would deserve.

With a sigh, he glanced at his watch. Eight-thirty. Already people meandered down the sidewalk, entering and exiting the line of shops.

On his way into the store, a flash of red caught his eye.

Holly’s truck.

Pulling into the sheriff’s office parking lot.

Holly sat in her truck tapping the steering wheel and debating what she needed to do. The two-story building in front of her boasted oversize wooden doors and tall windows with wide sills.

Bright and early, before she had to meet Eli to pick up the auction items, Holly had decided it was time to talk to Alex Harwood. She’d known for a while now that she needed to do this, however, she’d made excuses to delay the confrontation and that wasn’t fair to Alex. She felt like she might be guilty of leading him on by keeping the gifts. It was time to set him straight.

Movement in her rearview mirror caught her eye. Jumpy and on high alert since last night, she inspected every car that crossed her path, determined to be ready if danger came knocking again.

A black sedan had just pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. Eli’s truck sat beside the gas pump.

Focusing back on the sedan, she thought she saw cigarette smoke curl from the window.

Who were those guys?

No time to worry about it right now.

She looked at the bag on the seat then back to the door of the sheriff’s office. She grimaced. Confrontation wasn’t high on her list of favorite things to do.

But the longer she kept the gifts, the longer he might hold out hope she’d consider dating him again. That she was just going through a phase and would eventually come around. And she definitely didn’t want that.

After she’d told him she didn’t want to see him anymore, he’d continued to ask her out. She’d turned him down, but hadn’t been as blunt as she should have been.

Two weeks ago, the gifts started arriving and she had to admit, because she was lonely, wanted marriage and children, she’d thought about resuming the relationship. About settling for Mr. Good Enough. But soon realized that she just didn’t have the feelings for Alex that she’d once had for Eli. And if she continued the relationship with Alex she’d be cheating him out of finding the one meant for him. Not to mention cheating herself. And now Eli was back, and her reaction to him last night brought everything into clear focus.

Alex wasn’t the man for her.

Lord, what’s happening to my life? First, Mom’s cancer comes back, I’m being harassed about selling my childhood home and I’m going to have to hurt a nice man. I really need Your help, please?

Holly huffed a sigh and glanced at the clock. She’d been sitting in her truck for a full ten minutes.

Firming her jaw and gathering her courage, she grabbed the bag from the back and climbed out.

The jail might look like a place Barney Fife might work, but she knew the officers inside were all business. She had gone to school with four out of the Copyright 2016 - 2024