My Deadly Valentine - By Valerie Hansen & Lynette Eason Page 0,38

its usual share of tourists during the summer and fall months, in February it became a ghost town for all intents and purposes. Strangers during the winter season stood out.

Eli shifted toward the door. “I guess I’ll go get my groceries.”

“I’ll see that you get home safely, Holly,” Alex offered.

Holly hesitated. Did she really want to allow him to do that when she knew she was going to have to convince him she wasn’t the girl for him?

Eli, as much as he’d hurt her in the past, was definitely the better choice for an escort this time. “Um, actually, I think I need to get a few things, too. Eli, I’ll just walk on over with you.”

Surprise brightened his green gaze and he held the door for her. She turned back to Alex as she passed in front of Eli. “Call me when you’re done and I’ll come back and set the alarm.”

Without giving either man a chance to respond, she exited the building, Eli following behind.

It had been all Eli could do to suppress his cop instincts. Everything in him had wanted to jump in and process the scene.

But he’d resisted. He wasn’t a cop in this town anymore and investigating the incident at Holly’s store wasn’t his right. But he wasn’t blind, either. Something was going on between Holly and the sheriff. The thought made his heart cramp. “Hey. Are you sure you’re all right?”

“I’m sure.”

“Okay.” He didn’t want to ask, but he had to know. “What’s going on with you and Alex?”

She stopped just outside the entrance to the grocery store. “What do you mean?”

“Oh come on, Holly. You guys had vibes going all over the place. Are you two an item?”


He couldn’t help the relief he felt at her vehement response. “Okay, then what?”

She took a deep breath like she might launch into telling him then shook her head. “Not that it’s any of your business, but we dated. I called it off and he didn’t want it to end. He’s been after me to get back together with him.”

“Ah.” A pause. “So why did you call it off?”

“Because it just wasn’t right. I wanted it to be, but…” Her look singed him. Was he the reason it hadn’t been right with Alex? He sure hoped so. She continued, “He says I didn’t give him a fair shot at winning my heart—or some nonsense.” She rubbed her head. He was sure it ached and that she was probably ready to get home. Her next words confirmed that. “So, now I guess I’d better get in here and get a few groceries then get home to Mom.”

Worry wrinkled the skin of her forehead. He wanted to smooth it out for her. “How is your mother? My dad said she was doing chemo and radiation again.”

“Yeah, the cancer came back. She just finished another round. We’re waiting on the report to see if they got it all again.”

“Aw, Holly, I’m so sorry.”

Tears filled her eyes and she blinked them back, but not before one slipped down her cheek. As though it had a will of its own, his finger came up to catch the drop before it could fall. Her breath sucked in at the touch and he wondered if she felt the same tingle of awareness that he did.

That same awareness that had first drawn him to her when they’d both been sophomores in high school.

With a jerky movement, she shoved the door open. “I’m just going to get my stuff and get going. Alex should be done pretty soon.”

Gladness filled him. Yeah, she felt it. So, she was still attracted to him. Hope that he might win her forgiveness, her trust and possibly her friendship nearly made him lightheaded. But just because they still had that special bit of chemistry between them didn’t mean she’d be willing to do anything about it. He still had a lot to prove to her. “I’ll wait for you and follow you home.”

The protest he expected hovered on her lips, but then her eyes slid in the direction of her store and she swallowed, nodded. Twice in one night she’d been willing to accept his help, spend time in his presence. What could that possibly mean?

Twenty minutes later, they were done, Alex was gone, her alarm was set, and she was in her car, heading up the mountain. Eli followed a few yards back, his heart beating hard against his chest.

He’d come home to help with his father and make Copyright 2016 - 2024