My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison #3) - T.L. Smith Page 0,49

you’re here?” I ask. My eyes can’t help themselves, and they fall to the woman. She’s beautiful, very much so. Dark mahogany hair falls down over her breasts as she sits there, legs crossed. And her red lipstick begs for someone to pay attention to her lips.

I look down at my own outfit, and it’s then I realize perhaps I should have changed.

I’m still in my work clothes, but I didn’t have time to change into something else. I got home from work, cooked Oliver’s dinner for when he comes home, then slipped on my shoes and left again.

Beckham pulls out the seat next to him and nods for me to sit.

“I really shouldn’t be interrupting your evening. I’m happy to go and wait for him over there.” I nod to a spare table.

“It’s no bother. Sit,” he commands.

So, I do.

“Hi, I’m Amy.” She offers me her hand, and I take it.

“Lovely to meet you. I’m Jacinta … I work with Beckham.”


“And we used to fuck,” Beckham says, then turns to face me. “Isn’t that right?”

I narrow my eyes at him and then purse my lips. “I’m sure your date here does not want to hear about your conquests,” I snap.

“Amy isn’t my date. She owns this place, and I can assure you she doesn’t care who I date because she prefers to fuck Shandy.”


I smile when I turn to face her. “Shandy and I are good friends,” I tell her.

“Nice to know. How about I let you two talk?” She stands and saunters off, leaving me sitting with Beckham. He picks up his drink and sips it before he swirls it in the glass, the rocks clattering around and his eyes firmly on me.

“How’s your week been?” I ask, trying to make some sort of conversation.

“Small talk? Is this what you have come to? You don’t want to know how I’ve been sleeping? Who I’ve been fucking?”

“You’ve been fucking someone?” I ask, surprised.

Then instantly, I shake my head.

Beckham smirks as if he expected that answer.


“I can fuck you if that’s what you want?”

The chair next to me is pulled out. “Sorry, I won’t keep you long, Jacinta. Can you please sign these, and you can be on your way.” Noah hands me the forms, and I pull my eyes away from Beckham’s blazing stare and reach for the pen.

As soon as I’m finished, I stand. “Goodnight,” I say to them both.

Noah tells me the same.

Beckham just stares after me as I leave.

Chapter 24


“Why don’t you tell her?” Noah asks as I watch Jacinta walk out the door.

“Tell her what?”

“That you love her.”

Placing my glass on the table, I wave for Amy to come over. “Because I don’t.”

“You do,” Noah replies, smiling. “It’s fun to deny until you get to that place where you have denied it for so long that she also no longer wants to believe you.”

“We aren’t the same,” I tell him. Yes, he lost his first love, but we aren’t the same. Noah is a good man. He is kind to my sister, and she needs that because Rhianna is the spitfire of the family, and she can always stand her ground. Even against a lawyer.

“No, you’re an asshole, and I’m not,” Noah says with a grin as Amy comes over to take our orders. “So, you met Jacinta. What did you think?” Noah asks.

“I think someone has a crush.” And we both know who she means. She’s talking about me, and I scoff at her words.

“Shouldn’t you be making me a drink?”

“Shouldn’t you be chasing after the pretty little brunette?” she bites back and turns to leave.

“You should, you know. Go after her, I mean.”

“She made it clear we aren’t going to work.”

“She also had an eventful day that day, or did you forget that fact?”

I turn to face him. “How is Oliver?”

“I haven’t seen him, but the girls talk every day, and Rylee told Rhianna that he’s fine. Jacinta was more a mess about the situation.” Noah picks at the breadstick in front of us.

My eyebrows pinch together, and I stand to leave.

Noah smiles, knowing full well where I’m going.

Like a fucking stalker, I sit out the front of Jacinta’s house because that seems to be what I have become.

A stalker.

It’s been two hours since she left the restaurant. I drove around before I finally pulled onto her street and then in front of her house.

I watch as she opens her front door, stands there, and stares at me.

Getting out of the car, I Copyright 2016 - 2024