My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison #3) - T.L. Smith Page 0,16

incredibly out of place in this neighborhood.

“Mommy.” Oliver smiles and points at the car. Red is his favorite color right now, thanks to Optimus Prime. He is obsessed. “Do you think it transforms as well?”

“No, buddy. Stay in the car while Mommy gets out. Okay?” He nods, and I pass him my phone with a game I have pulled up on the screen. When I get out, the driver’s door of the other car opens, and I’m taken aback to see Anderson’s father standing there.

When I walk over, a small smile touches his face.

“Jacinta, it’s good to see you.”

“I can’t say the same. Why are you here, Leo?” My words are short and curt, and if they cause hurt, I am all for it.

“You haven’t been cashing any of my checks.” He quickly eyes the house then focuses back on me. “I send you enough to live comfortably. You wouldn’t have to work if you chose not to.”

Well, I didn’t know that. Probably because I chose to never open even one of his letters.

“I did ask if you would let me know if I could meet him. If that would be okay with you.”

Anderson’s father looks a lot like him. He is incredibly good-looking for his age. Well-groomed and dressed in a sharp business suit, crisp white shirt, with a tie that appears like it has been tied by an expert, the knot is so perfectly executed.

But as I have discovered, looks are deceiving.

Especially for those with money.

“Leo, I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that, after everything—” He holds up his hands.

“I get it. I do. And I have tried everything in my power to rectify this situation as best I can. I know I was late. I know I should have helped sooner. But I was blind to it, and I apologize for that fact. I will go … but if you could please think about it and let me know, I would appreciate it.” He turns and walks to his car.

“Oliver would love to see your car, if you would allow him that?” I ask. My heart thaws a little, and Leo’s face brightens, and it’s the first time I have ever seen him smile like this.

“Of course, would you like me to walk away?” I look back at my car and see Oliver who’s staring in awe at Leo’s car.

“No, it’s fine, you can meet him. Just, please, don’t mention Anderson.”

“I won’t. You have my word.”

With more than a few nerves, I step over and get Oliver out of his seat, then lead him toward Leo.

“Hey, little dude, would you like to see inside?” Leo asks, offering a friendly smile.

Oliver looks up at me for permission, and I nod my approval.

I watch as Oliver jumps in excitedly, steps all over the interior, to which I cringe, but Leo doesn’t seem to care at all. He simply watches him and answers when needed.

“You can tell him to stop climbing around if you want. Otherwise, he won’t stop,” I say.

Leo’s attention falls to me, he presses a button on his keys, and the car starts. Oliver grins and laughs as the music begins to play.

“He’s fine. He seems like a good kid.”

“He’s the best,” I say, smiling. “And smart. So far, he’s excelling in his reading and already writes his name.”

Leo smiles proudly. He looks back to Oliver, then speaks, “Look, I was wondering if I could speak to you … once he’s done.”

“Oliver needs to bathe and get ready for the night anyway. You can come in and have a coffee if you want?” I walk to the car and call Oliver out. He comes without argument, and we head toward the door. Unlocking it and turning on the lights, I tell Oliver to go have a shower. He runs off to get himself ready as I walk to the kitchen with Leo following close behind me.

“I’m just going to say it …” he pauses. “Anderson gets out on good behavior soon. I don’t have an exact date, but I found out today and thought I should tell you.”

“Mom, I can’t find my towel.” Oliver runs up behind me, and my hand falls to my heart as I turn around and smile at my son, who does look a lot like his father.

“It’s on your bed where you left it,” I tell him, and he nods and runs off.

When I turn back around, Leo is seated at the table, his hands folded in front of him.

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