My Cover Model (A Love Like That #1) - R.L. Kenderson Page 0,26

warning, he stepped forward. He put his forefinger under my chin and used his thumb to pull my bottom lip down, and he kissed me. Our lips were like the fingers of folding hands, interlacing with one another. I brushed my tongue against his bottom lip, which was pressed between mine.

Travis stepped back. “Where’s your phone?”

“Uh…um…uh…in the kitchen.” I stood there for another second. “I’ll go get it.” I shuffled my feet to my purse, almost in a trance, and walked back. “Here you go.”

He took my phone and turned it back to me. “Can you unlock it?” He smiled, trying not to laugh.

“Oh.” I laughed at myself. I unlocked the phone and handed it back to him.

He did a few things before giving it back to me. “I put my number in there and sent a text to myself, so I know it’s you. Text me the Chicago info, okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

He grinned, and all I could see were his dimples. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

I nodded again. “Okay.”

He pulled me forward and kissed my forehead. “Later, Sydney.”



“So, nothing from Travis?” Harper asked.

“No. And who does that? Who kisses someone and then just walks away? It’s been two weeks already.”

Harper carried a glass of wine for me and handed it over. “So, he hasn’t talked to you at all?” she asked as she sat down on her couch next to me.

I took a sip. “Talked to me? No. We’ve texted back and forth about the Chicago trip, but that’s it. Nothing about the kiss. No asking me if I want to hang out. The guy hasn’t even returned any of my social media follows.” I pouted.

Harper chuckled. “Maybe he’s waiting for you to bring up the kiss.”

“Then, he’s going to keep waiting because he’s the one who kissed me. I’m not going to go after him, begging for scraps of his attention. Been there, done that.” I took a long drink this time.

“Sorry, Syd. I wish I knew what he was thinking.”

I picked at the back of her couch. “Me, too. But I think, more than that, I wish I’d stop thinking about it. I’ve actually been thinking about canceling the trip. Or at least telling him it’s canceled and going by myself.”

Harper tilted her head, her eyes sad. “Don’t do that.”

“Why? I feel like it would relieve a lot of stress.”

“How about this? Why don’t you just tell yourself that the kiss didn’t happen? If there’s no kiss, there’s nothing to obsess over, and there’s nothing to worry about.” She nodded.

I looked down my nose at her. “You have met me, right?”

She laughed. “Yes. And I know that you can do this.” She took a drink of her own wine. “Remember the movie He’s Just Not That Into You?”

I groaned. “Say no more. You’re right. I have no idea why he kissed me, but it was obviously a fluke.”

It was amazing what one sentence could do. I was still going to think about it. That couldn’t be helped, but I really didn’t want to be like the girl in the movie. The kiss obviously meant nothing to Travis, and it was best to let it go.

“Wow. That was kind of easy.”

I chuckled. “Hey, I remember watching it and feeling so bad for the character who didn’t get it that the guy didn’t like her. I do not want to be like that.”

“Good for you.”

“Travis and I are just friends, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

I twirled the wine in my glass, watching it swirl around. “But, if he could just fuck me once, then I’d really let it go.”

Harper threw her head back and laughed. Suddenly, she gasped, and her eyes lit up.


“What if something happened with your hotel reservations and you two ended up in the same room?” Her eyes widened. “Even better, there’s only one bed. And it’s a full. You should totally bring condoms.”

I smiled and shook my head. “What is this? A romance novel?”

“Why not?”

“One, I already made the reservation. It is definitely for two rooms. Two, the hotel probably doesn’t have anything smaller than a queen, and if there’s only one bed, it’ll be a king. Three, the hotel would have to be booked full. Four, most hotels have rollaway beds. Five, I wouldn’t want him to think I did it on purpose.” I pointed a finger at her. “Which is why I will not be taking condoms.”

Harper wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, you’re right. It would be fun though.”

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