My Cover Model (A Love Like That #1) - R.L. Kenderson Page 0,10

dollars. Go buy your own.”

“Fine.” She let go and stuck her nose in the air. “But, now, you know that’ll be one less book of yours I’m going to buy.”

I playfully shoved her. “You already own all my books, free of charge.”

“Oh, yeah.”

We both laughed as I quickly put my book away before she stole it from me.

“Why don’t you go get one now before you forget?”

“You’re right. I probably should.” She pulled out some cash from her purse and got up from the table.

Since my table was vacant of readers, I did a little organizing in hopes that it would help with cleanup later.


I looked up to see Derek. “Hey. What’s up? You having fun?”

He nodded. “I always do. You?”

“Yeah. There’re still some tables I want to get to before the event is over, but so far, it’s been fun.”

“So, earlier, I mentioned a writer group that is forming in our area. Would you be interested in joining?”

“Yes, tell me more.”

“Well, you know how there are so many groups online, which is great. But a few of us have been talking and thought we should do something where we got to meet in person, too. We were thinking once a month or even once every other month, depending on people’s schedules.”

“I like that idea. It’s so great to have writer friends online, but sometimes, it would be so much easier to talk about things in person. Especially those complicated plots.”

Derek smiled. “Exactly.”

“How many are going to do it?”

“So far, it’s only three of us, but I know I have some other contacts in the area. I need to go through my Facebook friends.”

“Do you care if I invite some?”

“No. The more, the better. I figure not everyone will always be able to make it, so if we could get around ten authors, then we’d hopefully always have a few who could attend our meetups.”

“That sounds like fun.” I picked up my business card and handed it to him. “I know you can contact me through Facebook, but here’s my e-mail. That might be easier. When are you looking to start?”

“That’s the hard part. We don’t know. Next month is Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas and New Year’s.”

“That’s a good point.”

He smiled. “We’ll figure it out.” He held up the card. “Thanks for the interest. I’d better get back to my table.”


A few minutes later, Harper came back and sat down with her new book. “What did Derek want?”

“He wanted to talk about the writer group he’d mentioned earlier. It’s an in-person group, and he asked if I wanted to join.”

“Ooh. Maybe then you can ask him out.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not asking him out.” He was attractive, but I wasn’t attracted to him.

“Well, you should. When’s the last time you got laid?”

“None of your damn business.”

“Translation: So long that I don’t even remember.”

“Shut up.”

Harper laughed at me.

“I hate you.”

“You love me.”

I sighed. “Unfortunately.”

I laughed at Harper’s scowl.

We heard some voices laughing behind us, so we turned around. It looked like some readers were getting pictures with Travis.

“We should do that,” Harper said. “He’s been taking pictures all day. I bet your readers would love to see some pics of him.”

“That’s not a bad idea.”

“Not a bad idea? It’s a great idea.”

I stood. “Okay, let’s do it.”

While I couldn’t deny that I wouldn’t hate being close to him, I felt silly for asking for a picture with him. He had all these women gawking over him, and I really didn’t want to be another one. Even if I was secretly just as bad as they were. I wanted to pretend like I wasn’t like other girls, but I totally was.

Harper and I walked over to Angela’s table.

“Do you care if we take pictures with you both?” I asked.

Ha. If we asked for both, it would look less like we only wanted a picture with Travis. Way to go, brain!

I took a picture with just Angela and then Angela and Harper. Harper took one with Angela alone. We asked another author to take a picture of the four of us. And then it was Harper, Travis, and me. Harper and Travis took a picture and then just Travis and me.

Both times, I wanted to bury my nose in his chest and breathe him in.

Down, girl.

But I settled for just enjoying his arm around me. After each picture was taken, he rubbed my back, and I was disappointed when he dropped his arm.

I mentally sighed. Why does he have to Copyright 2016 - 2024