My Cone and Only (King Family #1) - Susannah Nix Page 0,4

willing to do this with. It wasn’t just the intimacy of the positions, it was the act of placing myself entirely in his trust, relying on him to hold me up and keep me safe—like Wyatt always had.

He spun me out, and when I spun back to him he lifted my left leg, his right arm under my back as he swung me up and into the air. I draped my thigh over his biceps as we whirled, then he dipped me down low to the floor again, my head still spinning when those piercing blue eyes focused on me before he swung me upright again and my boots hit the floor.

I nearly stumbled, but Wyatt held me steady until I’d found my balance, knowing instinctively when to let me go. As soon as I’d recovered, he spun me again, but this time his right arm wrapped around my hips, pulling my arm behind my back. He stepped back and bent down, scooping me up and flipping me upside down and over his shoulder.

While I was flying through the air, my perception narrowed to the feel of Wyatt’s hand sliding up my thigh and the way my breasts were pressed against his arm. Then my feet hit the floor with a thump, and his hand grabbed onto mine, his strong grip grounding me as I found my footing.

His eyes met mine again, flashing with mischief, and I saw his mouth twitch. I readied myself for something even more challenging, but instead he clasped both my hands and rotated me toward him. Lifting his left arm over my head, he curled it around my neck before lowering me back into a simple kissing dip.

Except it had never been a simple move for me. Not with Wyatt, with his face so close to mine, our lips nearly touching and his arm tucked around my neck in a dangerously intimate position. Every time we did it, I couldn’t help wondering if he was actually going to kiss me—or if I’d finally crack and kiss him this time.

His eyes bored into mine as he lowered me toward the floor, his breath hot on my lips as his hair fell forward, curtaining his face and narrowing the world to just the two of us. I was surrounded by him. Enveloped by his heat and the scent of sweat mingling with his cologne. We were so close, I swore I could hear his heart beating in his chest.

I sucked in an unsteady breath as my eyes involuntarily dropped to his mouth. His lips parted, and something clenched deep in the pit of my stomach.

Both his hands squeezed mine, and he lifted me back up into a standing position. Letting go of my left hand, he spun me away from him like a top. With our arms extended and his hand grasping mine, his gaze once again homed in on me.

Slowly, I became aware of people clapping and whistling around us. Not for the first time, we’d made quite a spectacle.

Wyatt spun me back into a basic dancing frame and led us into the flow of couples circling the floor again. “That was fun.”

“Yeah.” My heart was still trying to beat its way out of my chest. Why did I do this to myself? Every. Damn. Time.

His smile softened, shedding some of its usual cockiness. “You’re my favorite partner, you know that, Andie?”

I looked away, my stomach twisting painfully. He didn’t mean what I wanted him to mean. He only meant for dancing. That was as close as he’d ever allow me to get to him. The rest of him was reserved for all the other women who managed to catch his eye.

It reminded me what we’d been talking about before, and how eager he’d been to change the subject. My gaze returned to his face, narrowing. “Has something been keeping you busy?”

It was as close as I would ever come to asking straight out if he’d been seeing someone. We didn’t talk about his love life much, which I was grateful for. It was bad enough that in a town this size I couldn’t avoid noticing the parade through his bedroom. Hearing about it directly from his lips would have been too much.

“Me?” He gave an innocent shrug. “I’m always busy.”

He was about the least busy person I knew. Instead of living off his family’s money, he took handyman jobs to support himself—but only as much as he needed to pay for his weed, beer, and Copyright 2016 - 2024