My Brother's Billionaire Best Friend - Max Monroe Page 0,16

is Bruce Willis. What am I supposed to do here?!

Sweat dots my brow, and the clock strikes noon and I put my hand to my pistol.

Okay, not really, but it does get really intense for a few seconds, and I start to feel a little steamy under my poorly planned polyester shirt.

But the showdown finally ends with a heavy sigh and a jerk of the chin from my opponent.

I scurry to a seat in the corner where I alternate between pretending to read a magazine and staring uncomfortably at my black Converse until a nurse calls me toward the back. I do not look in Harriet’s direction.

“Mabel Willis, we’re ready for you.”

I nod and set down the Cosmopolitan magazine in my hands on the communal coffee table and follow the blonde’s lead.

She looks to be close to my age, her name tag reads Sara, and her teeth are so white I start to have flashbacks of that Friends episode where Ross gets his teeth bleached.

“Once we get you settled in, the surgery itself shouldn’t take more than an hour.” The nurse smiles, and the room brightens. Literally brightens. The whiteness of her teeth defies logic, and they appear to emit their own light source.

“Well, that’s good news, I guess.”

“Go ahead and take a seat right there,” she says as she points to the dentist chair in the center of the room before heading to the counter and washing her hands at the sink.

The plastic leather of the chair squeaks and groans as I slide my yoga-pants-covered ass into place. Another blond, female nurse steps into the room to assist Sara.

The two women rummage around in the cabinets and drawers surrounding the sink until they’re content with their medical loot, and then move toward me.

For the second time since my arrival to this office, instructions fly at me like dicks in a dildo factory.

“First, we’re going to take your vitals.”

“Then, we’re going to start an IV.”

“We need the IV so we can sedate you for the surgery.”

“Do you have any allergies?” Sara asks, but it takes me too long to answer for her liking. So, she asks again. “Mabel, do you have any allergies?”

Holy hell. “Um…no.”

Her responding smile nearly blinds me. “Fabulous.”

Fabulous? That’s an odd word to come out of a medical professional’s mouth…

Molly, the other nurse, scrubs at my right arm with something that smells like alcohol, and Sara takes my left arm and wraps a blood pressure cuff around it.

Holy crap, they’re coming at me from all angles.

“It’s just going to be a little stick, okay?” she asks, but she gives me zero time to respond.

No countdown. No warning. No time is apparently being wasted today at this medical practice. Taking teeth is our name, and fast is our game.

Without preamble, Molly shoves a sharp needle into my arm, and the pain is so instant, so intense, I damn near levitate off the dentist chair.

“Holy flapjacks!” The words shoot from my mouth, and I have to bite my lip so I don’t start screaming out in pain.

Is she starting my IV with a shiv?

“Sorry about that. I’ll be done in…” I’m expecting her sentence to actually finish with something like in a jiff, but instead, it trails off into nothingness. Panic sets in immediately.

“You’ll be done in…?” Soon? For the love of everything, tell me you’ll be done soon.

“Hmm…” Molly mutters to herself while she fiddles around with the needle that’s still in my arm.

To the left, to the left. To the right, to the right.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was trying to reenact the Electric Slide with a needle dancing around inside my arm. It’s not even that fun of a dance at weddings, but at least then there’s alcohol!

Jiminy Cricket! I yell in my head as Molly rotates the needle again.

“Sara,” Molly whispers, making weird eyes down at me and then back up again. Feeling like a third wheel at my own goddamn surgery date, I decide to just shut my eyes while these bitches do whatever it is they’re doing.

“Yeah?” Sara responds.

“Does this look right?”

“Uh…” Sara pauses. “Yeah, I think so?”

I think so? Holy shit.

“I guess I’ll just hook it up to the fluids to see,” Molly responds, and I feel a small tug and pull on my arm.

“Oh my God,” Sara says a little too loud, and my eyes pop open. “I think you put it in her artery instead of her vein.”


I glance down at my arm and follow the blood-red Copyright 2016 - 2024