My Boss's Husband - Cassandra Dee Page 0,3

pleasure that they don’t notice me. But instead, I stare, utterly immobilized, and just as Marcus plunges into Marissa one more time, his eyes look up and meet mine as he finishes deep inside her.

“Fuuuuuck!” he roars again, his big body churning powerfully. “Shit!”

I let out a gasp and jump back while scurrying away as fast as I can. Oh my god! That never should have happened. Did Marcus see me?

I hope not. The door was only open a little bit, and I was standing in the darkness outside of the office. I was probably hidden by the shadows, and our CEO suspects nothing.

Nonetheless, I run back to the workroom with my hair flying and my purse slung over one shoulder. I have to get out of here. I wasn’t supposed to witness that, and any second, I expect Marcus or Marissa to burst from the office with rage in their eyes. Oh shit, oh shit!

Quickly, I make my way out of the building, clattering down the stairwell in my haste. There isn’t enough time to take the elevator. Once I’m outside, I begin speed-walking towards the subway. I know I look like a crazed woman, but I have to make my escape before everything blows up.

Once I’m seated on the subway, I finally take a moment to lean my head back against the closed window and exhale. Marcus didn’t see me, right? I hope to god not. Yet now, his image is tattooed in my mind permanently. My mouth waters a bit, remembering that sculpted chest and massive cock. I remember how it gleamed with Marissa’s wetness, and press my thighs together now, trying to satisfy the twinge in my pussy.

Oh god. This is so wrong. Marcus is my boss’s husband, and I speak with his wife every day! I have to stop these thoughts, and yet I know that I can’t.



* * *

I tap my pencil against my desk nervously. I got to work at eight, as I always do, yet I’ve spent the last two hours doing absolutely nothing. That’s different from my regular routine. Usually, I’m extremely productive but this morning is a mess. I’m a bundle of nerves, and the three cups of coffee I’ve already had don’t help the jitters.

My cheeks flush by themselves. Unfortunately, the image of what I saw last night is still front and center in my brain. I can’t stop thinking about Marcus’s naked body, even though it’s completely taboo. Marissa gets to enjoy that every night?

Yet I have to stop. Marissa is my boss and Marcus is her husband. I should not be having illicit thoughts about a man who’s utterly forbidden. Not to mention, Marcus is CEO of the House of Steele. He handles the business side, whereas his wife is the creative director, and his signature is literally on my paycheck. I definitely shouldn’t be having these thoughts given his position of power.

But why were Marissa and Marcus having sex at work? It’s not like his office is comfortable. Don’t they live in a penthouse somewhere in Manhattan? Then again, Marissa and Marcus Steele co-own the House of Steele, so I suppose the two of them can do whatever they want in the office. It’s not my place to judge them for enjoying each other on Marcus’s desk. Heck, if they want to do it out on the shop floor in front of everyone that would be their prerogative. They’re in charge around here.

I sigh and look down at my pattern sketches. I need to decide where the seam should be on the skirt. When I made my sample, I did a single side seam, but I think there need to be two. Should they be front and back or on the sides? I can’t decide just looking at the sample, and of course, my thoughts slide by themselves back over to Marcus’s impressive anatomy. Holy shit, that was big. What would it feel like inside of me?

Suddenly, Jemima walks in the door, giggling. Her face is flushed and she actually looks a little disheveled.

“Good morning, you. What’s so funny today?”

Jemima blushes.

“Nothing. I was just in the elevator with Marcus and he is sooooo hot.”

I feel my cheeks go red. Jemima is an excellent designer but she’s kind of ditzy and scatterbrained. Thank god she doesn’t notice my reaction to her announcement as I try to pretend everything’s normal.

“I know, right? But you’re getting in kind of late. Everything okay?”

She giggles again.

“Oh, yeah. I had a dentist Copyright 2016 - 2024