My Boss's Husband - Cassandra Dee Page 0,27

his image continues to haunt me even here, in the most inappropriate of places. He owns this building, for crying out loud! Well, at least he co-owns it with my dad.

But I want him too badly, and I can’t stop the urge. His hands on my skin…his cock in my mouth…Gray whispering my name in my ear. It’s too much, and the ache overpowers me.

Like a bad girl, I whip out my phone and google Gray’s picture. I quickly find one of him on vacation in Hawaii and I was right about his body. Damn. Tan, muscular, with a smirk that drives me wild. Unhesitating, I hitch my skirt up and then prop one leg up onto the counter, while holding my phone in my left hand while my right hand slides up my thigh and into my panties. I wish it were his hand, and not my own.

I keep thinking of what I would say if he spoke to me the way I long for him to. What would he say? Would he growl my name in my ear? Would he kiss my jaw before bending down to swipe his tongue across my clit?

I drop my phone on the counter and stare at myself in the mirror, panting. I want the view he would have of me. The feel of his mouth all over my pussy, with his fingers burrowing inside me. Him sucking on me there, forcing me to come again and again, until I can’t take it anymore, and then thrusting himself into me with that massive cock. It’s too much and I let out a high, keening cry as my body shudders and then explodes.

“FUCK!” I scream heartily, not caring who hears. I shatter on my fingertips and my pussy squeezes violently as I dream of Gray coming hard in my sweet passage. I pant, moan, and touch myself more, even as my body crests. I’m sweating now and ramped up higher, if that’s possible. But there’s no help for it. Gray’s not mine, and this is just a naughty fantasy, and nothing more.

To be continued …

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Sneak Peek: The Frat Boys Next Door


Sasha’s had a crush on the frat boys next door for ages now, even when they keep her up all night.

* * *

It should be illegal for houses to be so close together that I can hear people having sex next door.

If only my scholarship to Remington College included room and board, then I wouldn’t have to live in this ramshackle, four-story building. My bedroom is in the attic, which is nice because I get plenty of privacy. However, the walls must not be insulated because whenever there’s a party at the frat house across the way, I feel like I’m practically there.

But right now, this drafty attic room is all I can afford. Even now, I have to work two jobs in order to make ends meet, and that’s on top of being a full-time student. It’s not easy, but I count my blessings. Things could be much worse. So what if I occasionally have to stop by Remington College’s food pantry? I’m not too proud to go hungry, and I’m grateful for what the donors provide.

But what makes life excruciatingly unbearable are the loud parties that happen pretty much every night at Delta Tau Tau. The heavy bass, random thumping noises, and of course, the moans and squeals that could drive a nun insane.

I should have known better than to accept a room next to a frat house. How anyone in my house gets their zzz’s is a mystery to me. Maybe I should invest in noise-cancelling headphones. But I’d be too afraid to use them because what if I slept right through my alarm? I’d lose my barista job, which requires me to be at Cafe La Heart by 5 a.m. each morning.

Speaking of which, there’s a thumping bass coming from next door which practically makes my floor vibrate. I sigh and check the time. It’s nearly eleven at night and it’s a Tuesday! Who the heck has parties this late on a weekday? Don’t guys in frats have class, just like everybody else? What about the people who attend these parties?

I peer out of my window. My vantage point gives me a good view of the offending house. There are people standing around in the yard next door with red cups in hand, and sure enough, the house is Copyright 2016 - 2024