My Boss's Husband - Cassandra Dee Page 0,24

slow courtship. I had you in my bed, screaming my name, as soon as I could.”

She nods.

“Well, what’s going to happen to Marissa now?”

My expression is grim.

“She’s sitting in a jail cell at this moment. It was battery, sweetheart. She assaulted you, and caused physical injury. Of course they were going to arrest her.”

Addy gasps, her eyes going wide.

“Oh my god, jail?”

“She deserves it,” I say in a tight voice.

Addy merely shakes her head again.

“I don’t know if I should press charges.”

I shake my head slowly.

“Well, you don’t have to decide now, but Marissa was way out of line. No one does that to the woman I love, and gets away with it.”

Suddenly, Addy’s eyes become teary and she squeezes my hand gently.

“Is that how you feel about me, Marcus?” she asks in a quiet voice.

I look at her, my blue eyes intense.

“Yes,” I say fiercely. “Seeing you like that, knocked out? It killed me, sweetheart. Suddenly, I knew. I know that I love you, Addison Maplethorpe, and you mean the world to me.”

Her eyes begin to tear, and I lean forward to kiss her again. Her voice is so quiet that I almost don’t hear, but then she repeats the words.

“I love you too, Marcus. With everything that I have.”

I merely kiss her harder, pulling her close, when suddenly there’s a knock on the door. Dr. Lester stands there, a clipboard in his hand.

“I’m sorry, am I interrupting?”

We pull away from each other.

“No, Doc, it’s okay,” I growl. “Why, what’s up?”

The elderly man looks mirthful as he turns to Addy.

“Well, Miss Maplethorpe, everything checked out except I think you have some news to share.”

I look at my curvy girl even as her cheeks blush. Clearly, she and the doctor have a secret that’s been kept from me.

“What is it, Ads?” I ask. “Your health is of the utmost importance to me. Is there something that I should know?”

The beautiful girl blushes, and turns to me again. Meanwhile, the doctor steps out with a wink, and we’re alone once more. Addy takes my hand and then inhales deeply, her eyes sparkling.

“Marcus,” she says quietly. “I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a father.”

The entire world grinds to a halt as I stare at this woman.

“Are you serious?” I stammer, falling to my knees beside her hospital bed. “Oh my god!”

“Are you happy?” she asks, tears in her eyes again.

“More than happy,” I confirm, leaning forward to seize her mouth with my own. “Absolutely ecstatic.”

After all, this is the culmination of my dreams. This woman, this job, this business, and now, this baby as well. I adore Addison Maplethorpe, and intend on claiming her as mine, forever.



* * *

Two years later.

Marcus sits on the floor, playing with our beautiful daughter as she squeals. He laughs and turns to me.

“She looks just like you,” he marvels. Carmella grabs a block and bangs it up and down on the floor, as sixteen-month-olds are wont to do.

I stroke our daughter’s cheek and giggle.

“Yes, but with your blue eyes.”

After all, Carmella is the perfect blend of both of us. She has my curly brown hair, and sometimes I see my nose in hers. But she also has Marcus’s bright blue eyes and stubborn, yet charming, personality.

“She’s perfect,” Marcus says, beaming at his daughter.

I lean over and kiss him.

“You’re right.”

Marcus’s phone dings with an email, but he ignores it. After all, we have a rule at home: no shop talk after eight p.m., come hell or high water. After all, we still work at the House of Steele, so it’s easy to bring work home. But that’s not what we want, nor is it what we need. After two years, our plus-size line has taken off, and it’s so popular that the House of Steele is now a global brand. We’ve become billionaires from our success, and we have a wonderful staff to run the business even when we’re not there.

But then my face falls slightly as Carmella pounds her brick against the floor again.

“Have you heard from Marissa’s institution?”

Marcus’s expression is grim and he jerks his head in a nod.

“They sent me an update last weekend. She’s doing really well there, Adds. You don’t have to worry. Now that we know she’s bi-polar, they’ve got her on a strict drug regimen, and are watching her closely. I’m glad she’s finally getting the help she needs.”

I nod because we decided not to press charges after Marissa was evaluated by a psychiatrist and given her diagnosis. More than Copyright 2016 - 2024