My Boss's Husband - Cassandra Dee Page 0,17

I go there on my lunch breaks sometimes,” she confides. “It’s nice, and helps me relax after the stress of the office.”

As we stroll to the park, I secure my arm about her waist again.

“That’s good to hear, but is work going okay?” I ask. “I know that from my vantage point you’re doing fantastic. But how is it on a day-to-day basis?”

Addy thinks for a moment.

“It’s good,” she says slowly. “Thank you for hiring an assistant for me. Nadia really helps out a lot, and handles a lot of administrative duties for me. But yes, overall, this has been a great step forward. I really like working with the team, and I think you’ll really appreciate the new designs we have in store.”

I nod.

“Of course, honey. I don’t want you getting too worn out because that’s not what this job is about. That’s not what life is about, actually. But no more shop talk because we already live and breathe work all the time,” I say as we step into the park.

She giggles a bit.

“You’re right. We already discuss the House of Steele a lot. Okay, so what’s your favorite part of the city?”

I grin at her as we make our way towards a green bower.

“Will you think I’m ridiculous if I say my penthouse?”

She laughs.

“No, because I don’t blame you. It is a very nice place.”

“Exactly. And I love the view too because I can see everything without having to be a part of it. Sometimes the city can be overwhelming, and the view calms me.”

We stop on a bridge over a small stream. It’s one of the most romantic spots in Central Park, and I’m happy to be here with the curvy girl. I pull her close and press a kiss to her temple.

“Sweetheart, I just want to say that I really care about you. I’m glad we’re giving this a shot.”

She smiles happily up at me.

“I care about you, too. It’s been wonderful, these past few weeks, and I never thought this would happen to me.”

I grin.

“Am I a miracle-worker?”

She giggles, blushing.

“Maybe, a little.”

With that, I lean down and kiss her softly. Addy is my everything right now. I’m tempted to tell her I love her, and that I want her to have my babies, but I don’t want to scare her away. She’s young, and so much has happened so fast. I know what I want, but things can be different for a twenty-five year old girl.

We linger on the bridge for a while, talking and kissing and enjoying each other’s company. After about half an hour, the breeze picks up and I know it’s time to go home.

“Come on, sweetheart. We should get going,” I say.

She smiles brilliantly at me.

“Are we going to your penthouse?”

I lean and kiss her again, nuzzling the hollow in her throat. She’s so lush and smells so good that I’m tempted to slip a nipple from her dress and suckle a bit, since no one is around. But I restrain myself.

“No, sweetheart. I’m going to walk you home.”

She looks started, pulling back.


I nod.

“Really. This is a romantic evening, and as much as I’d love to ravish you until the wee hours, we both have early mornings tomorrow. As a result, I’m going to be a gentleman and walk you home. Then, you’re going to tuck yourself into bed because if I tuck you into bed, you know I’ll be in the bed with you.”

Addy giggles.

“I don’t think my roomie would appreciate hearing the bed springs squeak all night.”

I growl, my blue eyes flaring hotly.

“It’d be more than bed springs, sweetheart. It would be the loud moans and harsh pants, as well as the bed frame breaking if I have my way.”

“Oh you!” she giggles, swatting me playfully on the arm. “You’re so bad!”

But she takes my elbow companionably, and we walk to Hell’s Kitchen before coming to a stop before her brownstone. I look at the old building. It’s raggedy with disrepair, and I can’t wait to move her out of this place. But again, everything in its own good time. Instead, I lean forward and press another soft kiss to her lips.

“See you tomorrow, sweetheart.”

She leans into me, deepening our kiss, but then pulls away.

“Tomorrow,” she breathes before turning and entering her building. That curvy form disappears up the stairs, but I linger for a while on the sidewalk outside, like a lovestruck man. Because the truth is that I am head over heels. I’ve fallen for the Copyright 2016 - 2024