To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,82

see two older ladies, with uptight expressions, looking at us from the corner of the coffee shop. We had been laughing loudly, and I’m sure they disapproved, but I didn’t care. “He’d be so lucky.”

“Yes, he would.” A light appeared in her eyes. “He wishes he could have three hotties all over him.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Poor old man probably can’t even get it up.” I grinned. “You know what, let’s try that swanky place you heard about. I’m having trouble concentrating on finding a place on Yelp. This will work out better.”

“Awesome.” Annabel texted quickly then looked at her watch. “Emily says she will meet us there in an hour. I have to get my legal secretary to send a file request to opposing counsel for a deposition hearing next week. Do you mind if I take my laptop out and do some work for the next ten minutes?” She gave me an apologetic look.

I shook my head. “Of course not.” I smiled. “The fact that you dropped everything to come and have a coffee with me means everything. You really are my best friend, Ana.”

I picked up my latte and took a sip before grabbing my notebook and a pen. I didn’t want to get sappy, but I knew that Anabel understood why I was so upset. I flicked to the first page of the notebook and stared at a Polaroid photo of a grinning fifteen-year-old me sitting on Brandon’s lap. He was laughing as well, his head back, and his eyes wide and there was glitter falling all around us. He’d thrown it as a practical joke. It had taken me weeks to get the glitter out of my hair, but I hadn’t been mad. I was never mad with Brandon. Nothing he had ever done had ever upset me. Until the end. Then he’d just up and broken my heart. I quickly turned the page to stop looking at the photograph, as I didn’t want to think about him now. I didn’t want to get upset. I needed to focus on my future.

I was going to make a list of all the different types of jobs I was going to look for now I was out of work. I had been a junior graphic designer when I worked for Sally, but my true love was acting. Was now the time to try and make it as an actress?

I nibbled on my lower lip and tried to quash those thoughts. My parents would kill me if I told them that I was going to focus on that instead. They were helping me pay my student loans back, and I knew that they’d make me come back home if I didn’t get a stable job. Even though, at twenty-five, I was far too old to have to do what they said. What twenty-five-year-olds went back home to live with their parents? I ignored the voice inside my head that was screaming. Fools like you who try to become actresses with no savings—that’s who, Charlotte! I’d come to some sort of compromise. Maybe I could audition and find a part-time job, but it would have to be a job that paid me well enough to cover my rent and bills.

All of a sudden, I didn’t feel so good about my new $2000 a month apartment overlooking Central Park. At the time, it had seemed like a steal. It was almost unheard of to have your own apartment overlooking the park. Granted, it was only a studio, but I didn’t care. A studio with no roommates was better than an apartment with roommates in my opinion. But now I had to figure out a way to get a job within 30 days that paid me well. I had very little work experience and a degree in history from Columbia. I sighed as I realized my options weren’t looking too great at all.

Chapter Two

“Dominic’s is popping, wow!” Anabel and I had arrived outside the exclusive new restaurant. There was a line of people waiting outside and three limousines parked outside. “Do you think we will get a table?” I asked her as we walked up to the door.

“I think so,” Anabel said, but she looked unsure. “Oh look, there’s Emily. Emily, over here!” She raised her voice and waved to Emily, who was leaning against the wall next to the restaurant. Emily grinned as she looked up and saw us and came running over, her long black hair bouncing against her back.

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