To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,80

Jane. You’ve taken the weariness. One day, I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children. Not until you’re ready, of course, but I want you to know that now. We’re in this for life. I’ve been to hell and back so many times before in my life, but I’m not going back. I’m never going. There are a lot of things I don’t understand, but this is something I do understand. We’re for life. We’re the real deal. We’re soul mates.” I touched the side of her face and wiped the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. “We were made for each other Jane. Don’t you ever forget that. I will love you forever.”

“I will love you forever as well, Tate.” She brought my hand up and kissed it softly. “And one day I will walk down a hill, the sunlight in my hair and you’ll be there waiting for me and we will get married. I love you Tate, you can be my arrogant and delightful boss forever.”

Thank you for reading To My Arrogant Boss. I hope you enjoyed it. The next book in the series will feature Marco and Millie and is titled, To My First and Last One Night Stand. You can preorder it here. Please join my mailing list here so that you don’t miss any of my teasers and to get a bonus chapter from To My Arrogant Boss.

Continue reading for an excerpt from The Billionaire’s Fake Fiancee.

Excerpt from The Billionaire’s Fake Fiancee

Chapter One

“Who the hell does Max Parker think he is?” I rolled my eyes at Anabel, my best friend, and continued moaning about the man who had ruined my life. “He thinks that he can just buy up businesses and fire people, just like that? He just doesn’t care about humanity.”

“Well, his job is to make money, not to care about people.” Anabel offered me a small smile, her green eyes concerned as she reached over to grab my hand, carefully avoiding the large latte that sat in front of me on the small table. “But I agree with you, he’s an asshole,” she added quickly, knowing that I didn’t need her to play devil’s advocate. She knew how I felt about people who cared more about money than human lives. “How about we go and grab lunch and forget about him?” She took a sip of her green tea and gave me one of her sweet, placating smiles. Anabel was used to my mini-melt-downs, and while she always tried to be a voice of reason, she always had my back.

“I don’t know.” I sighed as I thought back to my bank balance. I could picture the computer screen in my mind as I’d stared at the lonely sum of $206 in my checking account and $500 in my savings account. How the hell I had so little money after having worked full-time for two years was beyond me. I ignored the feeling of doom in my stomach as I wondered how I was going to pay my rent the next month.

Damn that Max Parker!

“Now that I don’t have a job, I have to watch my spending,” I said, ignoring the fact that I had three plastic bags full of clothes and soaps in my hands. Bath and Body Works had had a sale on today where I got six products for the price of five, so I could hardly say no. And clothes from Target and Old Navy didn’t count as actual shopping. The total I’d spent was less than a designer suit. Plus, I’d used my American Express and could worry about the bill next month. It was almost like free money, plus if I included the points I was going to get, it was almost like I was getting paid for shopping. Almost.

“My treat,” Anabel said with a wide smile as she grabbed my hand. “I owe you a birthday lunch, so let’s just grab it today.” Her bright green eyes looked into mine with such an encouraging, hopeful look that all I could do was smile back at her. Her long light brown hair hung down her back, and I tried not to envy her natural beauty. Anabel looked like a model. She was absolutely stunning and everywhere we went men stared at her, hoping for a chance—not that she ever gave them one. She was so completely focused on her career as a lawyer that love wasn’t on her mind at all. Copyright 2016 - 2024