To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,77

all of whom were staring at him with beseeching expressions and it made me love him even more. He was a good brother. His sister’s were comfortable around him. They all stared at him in adoration. It pleased me to see that he was good to them as well.

“What is it?” He said finally as he looked at them with distrust.

“We don’t want to stay here anymore with mom and dad.” Rose said softly. “We don’t want this life.”

“So move out.” He shrugged.

“We have no money, Tate and mom and dad said they’d cut us off if we left home.” She continued.

“So you need some money?” He cocked his head to the side. “How much?”

“We don’t want your money, Tate.” Willow spoke up. “We want to live with you.”

“Oh hell no.” He jumped away from them. “Not going to happen. No way, Jose.” He shook his head vehemently.

“But Tate.” Maybelle pleaded. “Please.”

“I live in a one-bedroom apartment, girls.” He shook his head. “I don’t have room.”

“You can get a bigger place.” Rose pleaded. “Please Tate.”

“Let me think about it.” He looked at me with his eyes huge. “I’ll get back to you.”

“Can you let us know by tonight?” Willow asked with a large smile. “We want to leave with you when you go back to San Francisco.”

“We’re flying back tomorrow night, Willow.”

“So?” She grinned. “We’re already packed.”

“Already packed?” He blinked. “Wait what?”

“You know you can’t say no to us.” Rose laughed. “We’re your sisters.”

“Guys,” Tate walked over to me. “I’m sorry, but Jane and I—.”

“Don’t bring me into this, Howard.” I laughed. “I think you should let your sisters stay with you and then maybe you can get them their own place? They could be interns at 800 Club.”

“Interns.” He made a face. “Them?”

“We can do it.” Maybelle grinned. “Please.”

“You think it’s a good idea?” He looked at me as if he didn’t want to make the decision without me and that almost made my heart explode with happiness.

“They’re your sisters and you love them. You do what you can for your family.” I paused as I looked back at the house. “And frankly, I understand why they’d want to leave.” I reached over and grabbed his hand. “It will be fun. The girls in the office and I will take them under our wings. The extra help would be great.”

“Fine.” He groaned as he turned to his sisters. “You can move to San Francisco with me. You better not make me regret this decision.” As soon as he finished talking, all of the sisters ran up to the two of us and enveloped us both in a huge hug.

“You guys are the best.” Rose beamed at both of us. “I’m so glad you’re a part of my family.” And in that moment I knew that even though Tate’s parents were horrible, they’d done something right with their kids. Or maybe the kids had grown up to be good people, in-spite of them. Whatever the case, I knew that I could move forward with his family because the members that mattered were his sisters and I could already tell that I was going to love them all.

Chapter 19


“So that was quite some trip, eh?” I grabbed Jane’s hand as we left the San Francisco airport and made our way to the taxi stand. “I hope you liked South Carolina for the most part.”

“I loved it.” She said, a sweet smile on her face. “Your sisters are amazing.”

“And moving here next week.” I groaned. “I can’t believe that I said yes.”

“Well, they could have been moving tonight.” She laughed. “At least you have your freedom for a week.”

“You think it’s funny,” I grinned and shook my head. “You won’t think it’s funny if they walk in on us having sex.”

“Don’t you have a lock on your bedroom door?”

“Why would I need a lock on my bedroom door?”

“I don’t know.” She bit her lower lip and shrugged. I stopped and pulled her into my arms so that I could kiss her. “I love you, Jane, you know that right?”

“I love you too, Tate.” She said with a small smile. “The girls at the office are going to be shocked.”

“Do you really think so?” I laughed. “After those notes you were leaving me, they have to know you’ve had the hot’s for me for some time.”

“I think Magnolia has definitely known.” She grinned. “And I guess the others have suspected we’ve had a thing for a while. That whole sexual tension thing.”

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